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The ocean current sweeps her hair to the side as she stops and looks at her family's faces, her mother and father glaring down at her from their thrones.

Nerissa's mother waves her hand at a servant passing by, offering something she can't see. He swims off, her eyes trailing him.

Her mother tips a small guppie in her mouth, the sharpness of her nails sending shivers down Nerissa's spine. She swallows, turning her head to stare Nerissa down.

"Do you know why we are banning you from the ocean?"

She shakes her head, still at a loss for what happened. Still confused.

"You killed a boy!"

Her father's harsh voice makes her jump, wrapping her arms around her tail as she curls into herself. Nerissa looks up at Naia, Malik's arm around her waist as she leans into him, face scrunched up.

"I didn't mean to." Nerissa whispers, breaking under the glares of her mother, father, and oldest sister. Ondine has her arms wrapped around her, her hair flowing behind her, navy tail moving softly through the current.

Nerissa's mother clenches her jaw and nods to the soldiers stationed at her sides. They grip her forearms and drag her out of the throne room.

She doesn't fight. Just looks back at Naia and Malik, giving them a farewell with her eyes. Malik holds Naia's head to his chest, nodding as to say 'I'll take care of her.'

She turns around, sighing as the soldiers throw her out of the palace gates, shutting them closed with a forceful slam.

She clutches her bag at her side, filled with seashells and other trinkets, and look around, taking in the fact that civilization can no longer protect her.

The ocean isn't safe outside of the kingdom.

Sharks are nice creatures, at least in the safety of their walls, so when a scary looking shark swims towards her at a fast pace, she doesn't have much time to react as it slams it's body into her, teeth sinking down into her flesh.


As T'Challa makes his way towards the coastline, the blood in his veins suddenly grows cold, a gust of wind taking his breath away. He's stuck in time for a moment.

He had been wanting to visit the coast for some time, he's just never gotten the chance recently. Between his father's death, preparing to become king king, and dealing with the responsibilities that follow such events, he hasn't had much time to himself and with the threat of Klaue looming in the air, he fears he will have no time in the near future.

He had requested to be completely alone for the day. The Dora Milaje, particularly Okoye, were reluctant to let him venture too far off without guards present and actively near him, but he doesn't think he's in much danger.

He's within their protected country. No one would dare to bring harm upon him and, in extension, Wakanda.

It would, essentially, be declaring war with the strongest nation. Plus, no one really knows it exists, or really cares.

As the crashing waves come into view another, not so pleasant, one comes into sight. A girl, for the most part, unclothed. She is laying on the rocks, head down and blood dripping from her side. Her body is wrapped in seaweed and nets.

Her hair is half up and half down, the up portion is braided intricately with seashells and pearls. It's black, so dark its nearly blue.

The sight startles T'Challa, as it would any sane man, and he runs forward, turning her over to look at her face. She has a scrap across her lip and a gash on her forehead.

He places his fingers on her throat, calling out to the Dora Milaje standing on the other side of the rocks, guarding but giving him solace, he expected no less. Two rush forward, followed by three more.

In a few seconds, He's found a pulse. It's very weak but it means she's still alive.

The Dora Milaje come forward, holding their spears as T'Challa picks the girl up, his arms under her back and knees. "Who is that, my Prince?" Aneka asks, walking alongside him as he hurries towards Shuri's lab.

"I don't know, Aneka, but she is not Wakandan and until we find more information, we cannot let anyone see her."

They enter Shuri's lab.

Sorry If this doesn't make sense, it is a very rough draft and I've never really done a fic where I went off into my own storyline so bare with me while I attempt to make it work.

I changed it to something I am more proud of/comfortable with.

To add on to the thing in the summary, the time gap between T'Challa becoming King and all that Klaue and Killmonger stuff will be significantly larger for the sake of the storyline.

I essentially want to develop relationships before we jump headfirst into drama.

I haven't decided whether I want it to be slow burn or not but if anyone sees this, please tell me here >>>>>


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