☼ Chapter Twelve ☼

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Ancestral Plane and Reunions



Nerissa slides out from under her blankets, rushing to the bathroom as Nat, Scott, and Bruce yell her name from the movie room.

She throws the door open, coughing. She grimaces, her throat already scratched. She nearly falls, pushing the door closed whilst she crawls to the trash, trying to stop the immense pain in her chest.

The door is swung open and Okoye stands there in her pajamas, a worried look on her face.


She tries to help Nerissa, calling for Tony who was watching the movie as well. He walks in, yelling at Friday.

Blood comes up, falling from her mouth and drenching her, Okoye getting it all over her hands as she tries to get Nerissa up and to the medical center.

Bruce squeezes in and picks her up, holding her to his chest.

She barely makes it to the center, Okoye holding Nerissa's hand as she jogs to keep up with Bruce. She holds herbhand, whispering to her.

"Hold on Princess. You have much more life to live."

Nerissa nods, letting Okoye hold her head as Bruce lays her down on a bed, Tony getting to work on stopping the bleeding as she coughs up more blood, crimson flooding her clothes. He orders people around, talking to Friday.

Okoye nods when Tony tells her to hold Nerissa's chest down, looking at her apologetically before pressing down right on her lungs, probably bruising them but it's better than dying.

"Just close your eyes and relax, Nerissa. Follow the darkness." A familiar voice says, lulling her to sleep.

She nods, closing her eyes.

"No! Princess! Stay awake!"

Okoye's yells fade out as a bright light falls around Nerissa before settling into a blue sky with water all over. She squats down, running her fingers over the water before putting her arm in. She lifts it, confused as to how she's walking on water.

That's never been a thing they do.

She looks around at the emptiness, slowly stepping forward. The water moves as her feet walk over it, ripples spreading out. She looks down at herself, a beautiful white dress on and gold jewelry to match.

A dolphin jumps out of the water a few feet ahead of her, startling the calmness.

It swims around her, it's fin sticking out.

"ποιος είσαι!" she yells at it, making sure to watch its every move, turning her body. (who are you)

It goes back under and then emerges a beautiful woman, long hair flowing behind her and ancient clothing. Nerissa steps back, knowing precisely who it is.


She nods, gesturing for Nerissa to come closer. "Come child. Walk with me." She does as the Goddess says, letting her grab her arm, her fingers playing with the loose curls in Nerissa's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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