Chapter One

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        "Well, what do you think?" Leon asked. He was sitting across from you at your favorite coffee shop in Wyndon, per his request. It was small, very few people actually inside, but it was cute. Two vending machines sat by the large windows, the tables were all round with only two or three chairs, and the counter had a display case for all different types of treats. You were sitting at one of the round tables, a small hot chocolate sitting in front of you on the table. Since Pokémon were allowed into the shop, your Zorua was also sitting by your feet. Your Zorua and Luxray were the only two Pokémon that weren't ghost-types, being the two newest of the bunch. You had caught Zorua right before leaving Unova after he had wandered upon you crying in the woods. Luxray was caught when you were camping in Galar, waiting to find a place to stay permanently. Now the two were important parts of your team. You used Luxray to go anywhere and Zorua helped massively with certain concert effects. Remembering the moments you had met Zorua made you smile, looking back up to Leon. He was dressed in a large black coat, still wearing his red cape, and sweatpants. 

        "I wouldn't mind performing for you again," you explain. Zorua yipped with excitement upon hearing about another concert. "It seems Zorua wouldn't either." 

        Leon was starting to get a hint at your relationships with your Pokémon. You almost always had one of them out when he had met you previously, if not all of them. Every touch you gave them was gentle and loving. You had explained to him during one of your previous meetings that Gengar would always be your most important Pokémon. He had followed you home as a Ghastly when you were at the age of 4, despite your parents wishes. And when you got your first pokeball at the age of 10, he was the first Pokémon you got to call your own. What Leon didn't know, however, was that after the Ghastly had come home with you, he protected you from your parents abuse until you caught him and went on to join the Elite Four two years later. Now you were 22, and Leon could see the closeness you had with all your Pokémon, making him grow ever more inclined to keep you around. 

        "Perfect. I'll hire Nessa for your make-up and hair, since she wanted to ask you some things anyway. It means a lot that you're willing to perform for us. I also plan on asking you to perform in December for the Christmas festival opening, but I have yet to request Piers to do the same, so you don't have to worry about that for now." Leon explained, watching you pet Zorua. 

        "You said that this performance is for the Star Tournament, right? That's why Piers couldn't perform himself?" 

        Leon nodded, leaning back in his chair. "He's going to be participating as the last big event of his career as a gym leader. Marnie is going to be taking over the day of the event, so it's best that they battle against one another as a show of skill. After all, the Star Tournament is something I'm starting, to show the children of Galar who they'll be facing in the next years Gym Challenge. It's a good way to get them acquainted with new gym leaders and what their battling style looks like." 

        "You've really thought this through," you note. When getting to know Leon, you started seeing just how dedicated he was to Galar. He constantly worried about what they would think or how a decision would effect the region as a whole. It made since that he was elected as the new Chairman. He also just seemed happier as Chairman than he did as Champion. 

        "Of course," he pressed. "This is just one of the many projects I have planned. But, they all revolve around the same thing. My dream of making the people of Galar stronger." 

        "Your dedication is impressive." 

        Leon suddenly sat forward in his chair, his hands pressing against the table. "I almost forgot. I got you a gift! I can't wait to show you, you're going to love it!" 

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