Chapter Thirty

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        "So, you believe that he's angry with you, because he left in a hurry after you mentioned something?" Raihan asked you, as you both walked towards the company building in Hulberry. The building controlled magazines, but it was also a huge graphic design industry, that assisted with designing ads for many of Wyndon's businesses. You were there for a meeting, just like Raihan had instructed, wearing business attire. A white, button up dress shirt and black dress pants, with the choker Marnie had gifted you for Christmas, resembling a cat bell. Meanwhile, Raihan was in a gray suit and purple blue tie, completely dressed in fancy attire. 

        "Yeah," you sighed. "He messaged that he got home safe, but I haven't heard anything from him, since then. I'm worried that you were right, and he ended up getting jealous about the musical stuff." 

        "I wouldn't worry about it," the dragon-type gym leader assured you. "I'm sure he was just feeling overwhelmed. And, you said that it got to the point where he was comparing himself to Lee. I'm sure that was hard for him to handle, after he beat the guy up for his behavior." 

        "I know," you mumbled, walking up to the towering city building. "I guess, I'm just worried. We've never had a situation like this. At least, not in the past three months that I've known him." 

        Raihan opened one of the glass double doors, allowing you to walk through and following in behind you. When he followed after, he matched your stride again, walking beside you. Like Piers would, which saddened you further. 

        "It was bound to happen eventually, Nickit," Raihan sighed. "He's an emotional man. Just give it some time and he'll be returning to your side, after he figures his feelings out." 

        "I already have to give Leon time," you mumbled sadly. "That's hard enough." 

        The gym leader gave you a soft, comforting smile at your words, but said nothing. Definitely out of character for him. He probably had nothing to say, since the situation was tough, even from an outside perspective. But, before either of you could return to the conversation, you had already arrived to the front desk. 

        "Gym Leader Raihan." the office woman stuttered, completely enamored with the man beside you. You could've scrunched your face in disgust, but you refrained. 

        "Why, hello there," Raihan purred, leaning against the counter. You could tell that he spotted her interest in him, almost automatically, causing him to put on his fake flirtation. "I have a meeting. Could you direct me to the office I'm supposed to head towards?" 

        Her face was red, her hands fumbling through the papers in her arms, until they laid to rest on the table in front of her. She flashed Raihan an embarrassed smile, before searching through her schedules of the day. You peeled your eyes from her, finding the wall much more interesting than someone crushing on someone they barely knew. And then, she finally found the schedule she was looking for. 

        "It'll be the office that way," she stuttered, pointing to your right. "Glass door at the very end of the hall, to your right." 

        "Thanks, love." Raihan cooed. She grinned. 

        Without a second's hesitation, you were following Raihan through the halls, towards the room that was holding your meeting. He was smiling, grinning ear to ear. But, he didn't speak, until you were out of earshot of anyone else. 

        "Maybe, it was just me," he purred. "But, you didn't seem to enjoy that woman. Do you, perhaps, have feelings for me, Nickit?" 

        "As if," you hissed, voice hushed, since other people were wandering everywhere. "I just hate people that get crushes on others, based off of their social media personalities. Or when they barely know anything about the other person. It's fine to admit that you find someone physically attractive based off that, but it was clearly more than that." 

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