Chapter Forty Seven

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        The amount of heat in a human's breath can be unbelievable. It can rise to the air like a smoking furnace, someone's chest being where the fire had ignited. It could burn, like oxygen being cut from the source. It could make your lungs sear and claw for air, like they were going to collapse inside your chest. 

        Piers was showing you the extent of that heat, your throat threatening to burst open with large gasps for air, as though it was alive. Not once, did his eyes leave yours, though his lids were slanted with a look of pure and utter adoration. Possessive ownership swirled behind them like a promise, a vow to keep you within his arms, until that hot breath of yours stopped attempting to gain fresh oxygen. No amount of arguing would stop him on his quest to kiss you senseless. 

        You were starting to lose yourself against his lips, as he kissed you with short, passionate bursts. One, two, three. Four, five, six. They continued, growing longer during some, shorter during others. But, whenever you tried to speak, Piers was back at it again, ensuring that you could not leave him to join the others. He did not want you to. 

         His slender fingers kept you planted, wrapped around your waist in a firm hold. They would twitch whenever he saw your mouth open to refute his actions, squeeze tighter whenever he found himself getting lost in your touch. You always kissed back, despite your attempts at refusal, and that was enough encouragement for the love-sick fool. 

        He didn't mind that your breaths grew sharper, or more heated. In fact, it was like a sweet music to his ears. Each one made his eyes grow darker with a mischievous encouragement. He seemed to enjoy the fact that your fingers grasped at his leather jacket with a pleading intensity, like you could no longer handle the fire he was igniting in your veins, increasing the speed of your bloodstream with the rapid beating of your heart. In his eyes, this meant that your heart was beating for him, thundering for him, focusing on him. He had said it once, that he wanted to devour your every thought, until it was only him. He had meant it.

        However, Piers was an anxious breed. He couldn't make a single movement, without the thought rolling around his head and making sure he covered every angle, every possibility. He was selfless, making sure that your comfort came before his desires and whims. It had been that way from the very beginning and that's why he could not allow your refusal to leave your mouth. If you told him to stop, he would. He would in a heartbeat. No pressure, no denial, just an immediate cease of action. He would let you walk away and have a drink with your friends, the friends you shared. And, that was fine. Piers clearly wanted to spend time with the three of you, but not now. Not after you almost shattered everything he had gained, everything he had fought for. Multiple trials and tribulations, obstacles that never seemed to leave your side. You both had baggage, that was a given. He was just sick of things getting in the way. 

        That selfishness he was gaining for your affections, it was aggressive. You could tell that it clawed through every inch of him, slithering under his pale skin like an ich he couldn't scratch. It was a venom in his bloodstream, shooting through his nervous system, infecting his brain, and expanding his pupils like a drug. He needed you desperately, wanted to ensure his position in your mind, in your heart. He would not let you go. 

        Another kiss pressed against your mouth roughly, one of his hands slipping down your waist and pulling your thigh closer to him, giving him more leverage against you. The other hand moved to your back to keep you steady, a hum flowing out against your lips from his. It was a sound of satisfaction, but it send a spark flying through your stomach. 

        Finally, he pulled away to let you breathe. 

        Air filled your lungs, shot through your body, and recalibrated your mind. He could hear each gasp with a clarity, which caused a grin to spread across his lips. 

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