Chapter Twenty

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T//W: minor mentions of violence, but it's not that bad, honestly.

        Raihan was sitting across from you, staring at you with the same amused gaze that he had held previously. You were at a very fancy restaurant, the floor an expensive marble, the tables all covered in a white cloth, and the waiters all wearing suits. Raihan had made sure that your table was far from everyone else's, privacy seeming to be his number one priority. And as he stared, the waiter filled your thin glasses full of champagne, before rushing off. 

        "Have you ever been to a restaurant like this?" he asked cheerily, once the waiter had disappeared completely. 

        "Of course," you stated, staring at the red napkin under your silverware and grabbing your glass of champagne. "Grimsley was my primary caretaker after joining the Elite Four. He seemed to treat me like his child the most. And since his family was well off, he took me to plenty of banquets like this. Though, I normally snuck away and got into trouble." 

        You looked away, bringing the drink to your lips after your confession. Grimsley had always managed to find you after you had snuck away, and you remembered how stern he had scolded you each time. Still, he never seemed permanently angry with whatever he found you doing. Just like a good parent would have done. 

        Raihan grinned brightly at your words, catching a glimpse into your past that others may not have had. He appreciated the knowledge. 

        "You seem to find yourself in trouble a lot, dear [Y/N]," he purred teasingly. "You should probably learn to behave yourself." 

        "Says you." you stated flatly in return, returning your glass to the table. 

        "My, what a mouth you have," His mouth twitched. "But, anyway. You mentioned earlier that you went to Piers' concert after our little tussle in Wyndon. Am I safe to assume that you didn't tell him about our conversation? He hasn't shown up to my door in a fit of rage, after all." 

        "I told him, if I'm being honest," you stated, causing Raihan to grow rigid with shock. "But, I also requested that he didn't confront you. I understood why you had confronted me the way you had, despite the fact that I didn't agree with it, so I wanted to clear up any issues on my own." 

        Raihan's blue eyes stared at you with intensity. Never, not in his entire life, had he ever seen Piers cease his uproars. If the dark-type user was angry, he was too stubborn for his own good. He would refuse to be held back, stomping through anything in his way, and going straight in on his own. It hadn't been the first time that Raihan had attempted to chase away his horrid little friends, but whenever Piers would find out, he would come to Raihan in a blind rage. Whether Raihan got scolded or given the cold shoulder until he was forgiven, once even getting punched across the face, Piers would always make sure he felt the consequences of his actions. And yet, the ex-gym leader knew and hadn't come to Hammerlocke to give him a taste of that unbridled rage. In fact, he hadn't seen Piers since The Star Tournament. And it was all because of you? 

        "How did you get him to listen?" he asked, still caught up in disbelief. 

        "What do you mean?" you asked, scrunching your face in disgust at his assumption. "I didn't force him to do anything. I just asked him not to confront you and judging by your reaction, I'm assuming he listened on his own." 

        Raihan's mouth lay agape. Were you a witch? A magician? A siren sent from the sea? He couldn't believe the words that you were spewing from your lips. Piers was a ball of rage, but you seemed completely unbothered by that fact, even claiming that he had managed to calm himself from the rage that the discovery had given him. It was utterly unbelievable. 

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