Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

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Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name

F/C - Favourite Colour
F/S - Favourite Song

E/C - Eye Colour
H/C - Hair Colour

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"Groan." complained a husky, monotone voice.

The Zenith of Autumn had awakened the beastial instincts of the fatigued teen, therefore, as an immediate reaction, the essence of fight or flight had overtook the young man, as he slammed the frail alarm clock, a mere messenger of time, into the cold, creaky oak floorboards of the prison known as his bedroom.

The teenager in question, was a tall, brooding figure with cataclysmic eyes that could sense doom from a mile away, luscious locks of H/C hair that spiralled across his face like an uncontrollable tumour, concealing the right side of his tanned face, a shame, considering his unnatural beauty would be guised by his silky vines.

"Master Y/N, please prepare yourself for breakfast!" called out the simpering tone of his Butler, Charles.

"Embrace the dichotomy." muttered Y/N in exasperation.

His regular schedule caught up to him like a mid-day's shadow. Business calls, stock trading and other committments that began to form anvils of stress on his shoulders were effortlessly crushed within the span of four hours.

Y/N was a solitary child, a lone wolf at birth, with only the remnants of a family becoming a faded reality as time went on.

The stealthy whereabouts of his father were unknown, as his missions with governmental officials like the CIA called him to the scales of justice on a weekly basis.

The only other person that he could consider his family, besides the wealth of butlers he had at his disposal, was his Great Aunt July, who only entered the realms of the Americas on a leap year basis.

Ironic for Y/N, as he once lived with his Great Aunt July in the UK for the first twelve years of his life, before moving into the uptown locale of Beverly Hills.

Today however, would be the last that he would experience the harsh droughts of the California Wildfires, as his father had recently settled in a small town along the periphery, a place named Jericho.

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A tumultuous storm began its uproar across the countryside, sweeping the town of Jericho with its daggers of lightning against the will of the multitude of manmade structures.

Through the gathering of verdancy, past the never ending stream of marine discharge, a large, cathedral like building stood the test of time.

The vanguard of the storm struggled to damage the brittle nature of Nevermore Academy, as the supernatural school scoffed at the sheer audacity of nature.

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