Y/N's Child is Full of Woe

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Author's Note: Here's an extra lengthy chapter for you all ;)

Permafrost began to form as a result of the wintry weather, as a wave of cold command struck the nature around it.

Sirens could be heard from every nook and cranny of the forest, as the colossally huge trees stood like totems that had witnessed a brutal murder, but each too scared to step forth and report the tale.

A thin wrinkled bearded man, whose greys stook out like the spikes of a porcupine, marched forward with a wary complexion present within his features.

His Sheriff hat perched on his thick cranium and his threadbare varsity clung against his gruff frame against the harshness of the tumultuous winds.

Approaching the sight of pure and utter horror, the Sherrif gulped slightly, before regaining his firm composure.

Lying before him was a brutal sight indeed; crimson blood laced around a body with large, staggered cuts, the head of the victim rolled around on the ground futilely.

"Where's the rest of him?" asked the Sheriff staring at the sight for sore eyes.

"Well, the torso and arm are over there." replied an authorial voice.

Another voice pointed towards the shimmering sight of Lake Crawford. "We
found a leg by the lake."

"There's an arm in that tree over there Sheriff Galpin" added another voice.

These voices were stressing him out. Damn, perhaps he should've worked alone on this case.

Galpin's vision was obscured by the carnage, each and every body part becoming more and more vivid and grotesque.

"And the rest of the parts are so far
unaccounted for, it matches the profile of the other two attacks last week." reported the authorial voice.

"Alright, issue a warning. Keep hikers out of the woods." commanded Galpin, before pondering and then continuing.
"Don't approve any more campfire permits for the foreseeable future."

"What do you want me to tell the press?"
asked a reporter. "You know they're going to be swarming like mosquitoes in July."

Galpin closed his eyes, and sighed wearily. "Tell them the bear is back."

"You don't believe that, Sheriff." chuckled the reporter awkwardly.

"Tell them the bear is back." Galpin repeated in a grave tone, staring into the eyes of the reporter with hues of anguish and fury. "No, I don't. Whatever did this wasn't human, look I know these murders are connected to Nevermore. I just can't prove it yet. So until I can.. it's a goddamn bear."

- - -

A boy with a slight overbite and a woollen hat named Ajax had approached Y/N after his 'incident', offering to show him around the school in a less demeaning way.

Y/N had graciously accepted, and had immediately requested to be informed of all the 'coolest' facilities that Nevermore had to offer.

Ajax smiled at his sudden energy, and told him that fencing began later that day.

Y/N simply replied. "How badly can I hurt my opponents?"

Entering the fencing studio in a specialised customised F/C outfit, personally woven by Jericho's finest seamstresses, his eyes immediately were attracted to his gothic friend Wednesday.

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