Woe is Me

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After giving an extravagant tour of the premises, Weems had lead the troop of Addams' and the singular L/N towards the entrance of Ophelia Hall, the hobbit hole arch covered with runic calligraphy and an assortment of weirdly shaped stone tiles.

"Hey!" whispered Y/N to Wednesday, amping his speed to her nimble velocity. "Damn you're quick." He commented, turning to meet her soulless orbs.

She gave him an uncomfortably, inquisitive glare, to which he coughed in response. "Refresh my memory, Ophelia was the one that killed herself after being drove mad by her parents, correct?" Y/N asked.

"I guess Ophelia and I have more in common than I once thought." replied Wednesday icily, before ramping her power walk into a coordinated march away from Y/N as though to avoid any further interaction.

Y/N blinked, before nodding numbly. "It's like that then, huh?"

Gomez paused his frisk stroll, swivelling his head to meet eye-to-eye with the boy that had stopped behind him.

"Worry not young scorpion, I assure you that the viper's venom is a mere side effect at best." reassured the fatherly figure, as the stout man reached up to the lean muscular future of Y/N and ruffled his H/C hair amicably, causing its wavy formation to turn into a cobweb concoction.

Y/N managed a small smile, before lowering his head as a symbol of his gratitude.

The L/N Family were known for their lack of interaction or emotional capability, but made up for that with high volumes of emotional intelligence.

Their understanding surpassed the general perception of basic human morality, therefore Y/N latched onto any emotions that came his way like a substrate making a collision. In Layman's terms, it had a lot of impact.

Little did Gomez know that this small interaction would spark the flames of a connection between the Addams' and L/N families that would burn more intensely than any fire could. An unseen bond of destiny had been formed, linking the eldest of both families' as a singular unit, rather than separate entities.

The raven haired girl snapped her head back towards her father and Y/N, awaiting them to catch up to her.

Walking towards her, Y/N arched his eyebrows. "What's up?"

Wednesday, still with the stoicism of statue replied unenthusiastically. "I'd rather contemplate on what's below...
rather, who is below." preached Wednesday ominously, before returning to her hard as an oyster exterior.


"Sounds g-grim!" exclaimed the pubescent voice of Wednesday's younger brother, Pugsley, who looked like a carbon copy of his father when he has his age with the added roundness.

Wednesday and Y/N hastily stepped into the sight of their new room, one's face contorting into one of disgust, whilst the other with a strange infirmity.

"It's so.. vivid." gawked Morticia, as her floodgates of nostalgia burst open, a reminiscent aura plaguing her black heart.

Sitting on a modified matte office chair spray painted with hot pink grafitti, sat a blonde girl that had streaks of lilac running through her silky smooth hair, eagerly tapping her feet on the floor as a signal of excitement.

"Groan." murmured Wednesday in exasperation, her pale contours darkening as a result.

"What in the name of colour is this..?" added Y/N, in a state of shock with the sheer volume of colour on display in the room.

Rainbows. Emoji Stickers. Photos of wolfbands. Hair products. Literally anything, and everything that someone perceived to be traditionally 'feminine' would have.

"Howdy, roomies!" She happily exclaimed.

"Wednesday and Y/N, this is Enid Sinclair." introduced Weems.

"Are you feeling okay? You look a little.. pale." Enid asked worryingly turning to Wednesday's pale complexion.

"Wednesday always looks half-dead." explained Gomez, causing the girl to gasp theatrically.

"And... Principal Weems, why have you brought a boy here?" asked Enid curiously.

"Ah yes. I was just about to get into that. Due to the full house, in terms of capacity, as we have accepted Y/N under special conditions, we are currently working on constructing another hall for more accomodation. In the meantime, Y/N, is obligated to stay at any designated area of my choice." explained Weems.

"Wait, I'm staying with, girls? As in females?" said Y/N as his brows shot up at the revelation.

Morticia and Gomez gave Weems a look of shock and disapproval, Wednesday continued to glare uncomfortably and Enid shook her head profusely.

"No offense to Y/N, but couldn't he stay with those of his gender?" Enid pressed, as her vision pierced the Principals.

"Yes, while I do understand the skeptism and frustration, I cannot make any changes to what is bound by Nevermore contract, as Mr. L/N ignorantly chose the wrong gender. If you'd so desire, I will see what I can arrange, and I certainly will guarantee by the end of the school week that Mr. L/N will be moved into an alternative dormitory. Does that sound fine?"

Enid paused for a moment, before nodding, as all the attention fell onto Wednesday.

The raven haired girl stood there silently, a purposeful absence of her sound filled the room for a solid minute, before Weems asked. "Miss Addams, are my terms clear?"

"I'd rather break into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones than agree to your 'terms'." She began, to which the Principal audibly gasped. She continued,
"However, I wasn't planning to stay here for longer than needed anyways, so this problem doesn't concern me." added Wednesday wryly.

"Then I don't see a problem!" exclaimed Weems. "Miss Sinclair will guide you around the school grounds, in order for you to become more... acquainted with your surroundings."

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