Friend Or Woe

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After a surprisingly refreshing trip to town, a now revitalised Y/N continued to embark on his expedition of Jericho, his eyes roamed the chartered concrete roads, in a state of artificial sublime at the storybook proportions of each and every building.

It was almost as if he was at the centre stage of a movie or novel.

He merely chuckled at the thought of his life being catalogued meticulously on the confinements of a page.

Shaking off his self consciousness, he entered a few shops, greeting the locals as he bought the odd trinket here and there.

Smiling, as the scent of human interactions filled his empty stomach of loneliness to the max, he began to walk back towards the stand of taxis he had used to originally get to the periphery, before abruptly stopping as his eyes magnetised to the sudden splash of black and white that walked out of what only seemed like some sort of therapy asylum.

The familiar face had an expression of great distaste, indicative of her scrunched up eyebrows and disturbed complexion.

Y/N didn't know where the two stood. Although he didn't hold any resentment towards her, as he understood her paranormal gestures and nocturnal personality were caused by her upbringing, something that he could relate to, yet a lingering feeling within him wanted to shatter the ceiling of awkwardness between the two.

"Yo! Sunshine!" called out Y/N, to which his target snapped her head towards him like an owl.

Wednesday's dark eyes glared into his soul, as she marched over to him ominously.

"What are you doing here?" pressed Wednesday tensely.

Y/N blinked. Observing her subtle movements, lack of blinking and overall body language, he absorbed the aura of anger and frustration emitted by the pig tailed girl that stood adjacent to him.

"Exploring." replied Y/N simply. "And you?" He asked casually.

Wednesday muttered to herself indignantly about not needing to waste her time in trivial conversations, before storming away in strides, the clicking of her matte black boots ringing in the ears of her old dorm-mate.

Y/N sighed. He expected nothing less.

The sound of furious footsteps stopped suddenly, and began again, but this time in the direction of Y/N.

Y/N arched his brows.

"Y/N. Are you free later this afternoon?" inquired Wednesday gloomily.

"What sick, morbid thing are you going to ask from me woman!?" bantered Y/N, attempting to incite an emotive response, but she simply furrowed her eyebrows impatiently.

"Look. We don't have time-" started Wednesday quickly.

"We?" asked Y/N.

"Yes, myself and Thing-"

"Who's Thing?"



"Let's go."

"What? Why?"

"Don't ask questions you wouldn't want the answers to." threatened Wednesday menacingly

"Damn, you're kinda scary." jested Y/N half-heartedly.

"If you think that I'm scary, you'll be downright terrified of where we're headed." spat Wednesday bitterly, before grabbing Y/N's sleeve, dragging him towards the taxi stands.

"Who said I've agreed to tag along with your scum?" jibed Y/N, loosening her grip on his arm, brushing his fingers across the material of her windbreaker subtly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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