Woe is Us

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"Welcome to the Quad!" grinned Enid, gesturing at the magnum opus of Nevermore's facilities.

"It's a Pentagon." replied both Wednesday and Y/N simultaneously, causing them to lock eyes and give each other bemused looks.

"The whole snarky goth girl thingy and rich boy attitude you got going on may of worked at normie school, but here things are different." sniffed Enid. "Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene." she began to explain, before being cut off.

"I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent cliches" fired back Wednesday coolly.

"Cliches are self imposed boxes, and I'm claustrophobic." added Y/N quietly, causing the corners of Wednesday's mouth to twitch ever so slightly.

Perhaps someone could rival her snarkiness and satiety?

"Well then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of distain" smiled Enid, discarding the fixed mindset of her peers. "There are many types of outcasts here but the four main cliques are fangs, furs, stoners and scales."

Y/N marvelled at the fine architecture that made up the interior and exterior of Nevermore.

The large stone pillars that ascended to the heavens were intricately crafted with hand made tinkering, arranged in such a sublime way that it reassembled the creation of Greek mythology.

The high rise towers loomed over the tiny students as a foundation of greatness, in conjunction with the verdant green grass that made the courtyard (or 'Quad') seem like a locale straight out of a fairytale.

It made him ponder. 'Why did father send me here?' 'What was the purpose of going to a school with these magical creatures?' 'Why has a normal person like myself been allowed into the clutches of the Supernatural?'

Enid broke his sudden concentration, as she grabbed both of their arms and pulled them towards a table of people that wore similar crimson visors, had sharp protruding features and held cups of ruby coloured liquid. One of the people in question uncontrollably began to chug down the substance and began choking, as another patted them on the pack to stop the reflex action.

"You've got to be choking me.." whispered Y/N to himself, untangling himself from the grips of the rainbow nailed wolf in front of him.

"There is no escape." added Wednesday ominously, glaring at the back of Enid's poofy hair.

 "Those are the fangs, aka Vampires. Some of them have literally been here for decades" explained Enid, grabbing Y/N detached arm, and dragged the duo along. "That bunch of knuckleheads are the furs, like me, full moons can get pretty rowdy, may wanna bring a pair of noise cancelling headphones"

"I'm assuming scales are sirens" cuts in Wednesday hastily, whose gaze flickered between the group of sirens, before stopping at the sight of a tall, dark skinned girl with molten tinted eyes.

"You catch on quick, and that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown's been slipping lately, she used to date our resident artist, Xavier Thorpe but they broke up, reason unknown." rambled  Enid.

'Xavier Thorpe?' 'Wasn't that Father's Co-worker at the CIA?'

A distant memory had resurfaced under the turmoil of Y/N's mind.

- - -


A man, draped in camouflage, emerged behind the hollow ends of a fallen tree. A metallic sword, with its mighty purple hilt, sheathed from its fabled scabbard. His cloaked silhouette in the dawn rays created a strong form, as if the head itself were carried upon a pillar.

Suddenly, the man began to ran towards the sound of his target. A swift, but deadly, sky-blue beam skimmed the hood of man, resulting him rolling over, his hood detaching, revealing his golden-brown locks of hair, the strands of it, being blown by the pressure, blocking his vision slightly.

The man, elegantly sidestepped, dodging another beam, which streaked with malicious intent, missing him completely. Almost as if he was in slow-motion, time froze for him, every ounce of matter in his proximity struggled to keep up with his sheer speed and willpower.

Then, like a flurry of daggers, the sword with a supposed mystical quality about it, repeatedly bashed into the steel surface of the one eyed creature. Destroying its technology, with the collision of the legendary blade.

Bash! Clash! Clink! Clank! The noise of destroyed metal, increased its reverberation by the second, echoing louder, and...more violent.

The man back-flipped, anticipating the sudden explosion, gracefully landing on his feet, looking up at the devastation he had just caused.

"L/N!" barked the grizzly voice of Vincent Thorpe to the young, six-year-old Y/N whose tiny eyes widened like saucers at the sudden interruption of his videogame.

"Yes, Mr. Thorpe?" called back Y/N in a small voice, as his miniscule figure tumbled off the couch.

"I can't focus on all of this paperwork with all of this incessant bickering from your game!" boomed Vincent menacingly, as the hues of his dark eyes began pulsating into a spectral, violet composition.

Suddenly, the old man staggered to his feet, before letting out a devilish screech, his olive skin being overshadowed by pale contours and his eyes fully indulged in the essence of violet.

"Mr. Thorpe?" asked the small voice of Y/N, who was slightly starstruck at the events that had began to transpire before him.

Thorpe's head shot up to the ceiling, his pupils dilating, a vision of the future conjuring within his very mind.

The only remnants of stability were provided through slight murmuring through his cracked lips.

"Embrace the Dichotomy." began Vincent, before heaving a stream of last night's dinner.

Again, he began incanting weird, rhythmic couplets in an odd pentameter, almost as if an external force had been plotting these words on his lips.

Y/N tried to distinguish the prophetic language that was being uttered, but could only pick up on a few phrases.

"The Night ends when the school falls,
Two figures will stand tall,
Masked in shadows, after many call,
One's death becomes another's alive gall."

- - -

Snapping back into reality, Y/N's head began heavy like an anchor; he felt putrid, exposed and volatile.

"Sinclair." began Y/N, to which Enid turned around and looked at him enthusiastically.

"Yes?" she responded cheerfully.

"Where's the nearest bathroom? I need to puke out the pain of hearing your atrocious monologue."

Her smile faltered, as Wednesday looked at him with reluctance.

"L/N?" whispered Wednesday to him in her normal stoicism.

"We can go on a first name basis if you so desire Addams." replied Y/N swiftly, before turning around and exiting the Quad, likely in hopes to eject the oceans of memories from the tar pit of his digestive system.

Enid spoke again. "I couldn't find much online about you, you should really get on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok."

"I find social media to be a soul sucking void of meaningless affirmation" mumbled Wednesday before also exiting the Quad.

"Once a lone wolf, always a lone wolf, eh?" commented Y/N, who resided in the upper elevation, watching Enid stand alone, below by herself in the remnants of her self imposed, failing society.

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