Chapter 32

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"That was scary." Kimmy told us.

"I wasn't scared. I had them protecting me." I said, "and I had faith in my acting and lying skills. I knew I could lie to him without him figuring it out. I do it all the time with people. It's quite fun."

"And that is why I can never tell if your serious or not baby." Lew replied to me.

"Haha love you boo." I told him while leaning in for a kiss.

"Are you sure?" He asked leaning in and kissing me.

"Of course I'm sure boo."

"Ok enough with the lovey dovey shit you guys." William said while laughing and pretending to be disgusted.

"Awe I love you so much I can't wait until we grow up and get married." I told Lew pretending to disgust William even more. This is fun. Haha I love that William is here and that him and Lew get along. It makes life so much easier.

"Oh shut up Heather" William said still laughing and pretending to be disgusted.

"Heather. What if he comes back? He could ask you some more questions. Or have you on the lookout for me or something. Or he could have other people on the lookout for me." Kimmy said freaking out.

"Kimmy calm down, me, Lew, and William won't let anything happen to you. Am I right guys?" I said.

"Right." They both said.

"Well what if he does get past you guys? Then I die."

"He won't get past us. We will fight to keep you alive. I may have been in a coma but I will still get off of this damn bed to make sure you are safe. Same with the both of you."

"Thanks sis" William said to me

"Thanks sis" Kimmy said to me.

"Thanks baby" Lew said to me.

"Your welcome guys!" I replied.

*the next morning*
William is sitting in the chair to my right and Lew was sitting in the chair to my left. I looked over by Kimmy and Amber was in the chair to her left. I hadn't even known Amber was here. I wanted to talk to William so I turned my body so I was facing him, I saw that he was sleeping so I poked him a few times then I shook him and I woke him up and I had to tell him to keep quiet because everyone else was asleep.

"Text me, it'll be quieter." I told him as I pulled out my phone.

"Ok." He said as he pulled out his phone.

Me: hey bro
Him: hey sis.. What's up?
Me: do you know if Amber is over Lew yet?
Him: she's not. Me and her were talking and I found out that she still loves him so me and her had a talk about it.
Me: and is she going to get over him?
Him: I hope so. I'll try to get her to get over him but you know how she is. She's stubborn.
Me: yea that's why I want you, her cousin, to help me because she won't listen to me about it.
Him: oh... Well I'll try, because I know how much it hurts you to see how much your best friend loves the love of your life still even though he tells you he doesn't like her anymore. And I don't get why she still loves him. He is over her. And with the things he told you I'm surprised she didn't want to beat him to a pulp after that.
Me: I didn't tell her what he said. He didn't want me to and I know it would hurt her and I don't want her to be hurt, I'm protecting her heart. She may still love my boyfriend, but she's still my best friend. Plus I know he will never go back to her anyway. He says he is in love with me and that he is over her.
Him: awww you and Lew are so cute together. I am so glad you guys are together now. And I wish I had known you when Amber and Lew were dating so I could've helped you through that year. If you and I were friends back then I could've made that bad year a good year. And Amber didn't notice a thing while they were dating Amber had no idea how much it hurt you to see them be together when you have loved him since the beginning.
Me: your suck a great friend. And I wish I knew you back then too. I would've loved for you to help me through it. Because I did love him, my heart broke every day that they were together. It broke into even littler pieces so now it'll take a while to fully fix it.

Lew wakes up, he sits up straight and he sees that my back is too him and he sees that I'm looking at my phone, he looks at William and he sees that he is also on his phone. After we would press send we would look at each other until we get a text back, so Lew was getting a little curious, I think he knew that we were texting but he didn't say anything.

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