Chapter 36

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*Begining of Heathers Dream*

I walked over to Amber who was crying. She was sitting at the lunch table even though lunch hasn't started yet.
"Hey Amber. What's wrong?" I asked.

"He broke up with me." She said to me.

"Roman did?! Where is that son of a bitch!" I got so pissed.

"He called me and he dumped me. He wasn't here." She told me.

"Oh I'm going on a road trip." I told her.


"To kick his ass!"

"No please don't hurt him." She said as Lew walked over.

"Hey.. Heather, I need to talk to you for a minute... Alone." He said.

"Ok." I said as I walked over to where he is.

"I need to tell you something. But you're not going to like it." he said.

"Ok. What is it boo?" I asked.

"I am breaking up with you" he told me. I started bawling and I dropped to the ground.

"What?? Why??"

"I.. I just... I just lost all feelings for you.." And I fell into a deep depression. No one could get me to talk. I didn't talk to anyone and I wasnt eating for a few days.

*end of Heathers Dream.*
I woke up bawling. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. The phone said it was 1:27 A.M., wow I wonder if Lew is still awake. I think I'm gonna call him. So I dialed him number on my phone, and it almost went to voicemail, but he eventually answered.

Me: hey boo
Lew: oh hey baby
Me: were you sleeping when I called?
Lew: yea.
Me: oh sorry. I just had a nightmare so I wanted to call u to ask u a question.
Lew: what's your question?
Me: we're still dating right?
Lew: of course baby. Why wouldn't we be?
Me: just wondering because of my nightmare.
Lew: what happened in your nightmare?
Me: well first I walked into the cafeteria because I got an email from both you and Amber telling me to meet you there but you guys didn't know the other one would be there. And I got there when Amber was there so I went to her first and I noticed she was crying so I went over to her to see what happened and she was bawling because Roman had broken up with her and I wanted to beat his ass. I was so pissed, then you showed up and I looked at you and I said I was going on a road trip to beat Romans ass. Then you told me you wanted to speak to me in private and then you broke up with me and I started bawling and I dropped to the ground and I asked you why you dumped me and you said you lost all feelings for me then you just walked away.
Lew: oh I'm sorry baby. But that won't happen baby I promise.
Me: thanks boo. Oh hey Xman is calling me, I'm gonna call him Xman now instead of Professor X. Haha I think it's more fun to say Xman. So I'm gonna let you go because it might be important. Love you. Good night boo.
Lew: love you too baby bye.

And with that I hung up on him and I answered Xman.

Me:hey Xman.
Xman: hey
Me: what's up?
Xman: oh nothing much, just couldn't sleep. What's up with you?
Me: just got done telling Lew about my nightmare and thinking.
Xman: oh, what are you thinking about?
Me: bad stuff...
Xman: what kind of bad stuff?
Me: bad stuff that Lew would be mad about if he found out or if I did it.
Xman: what is it?
Me: my death... Caused by me... Or maybe an accident. Or an "accident"...
Xman: Heather Ann Cook!! Don't you fucking dare! Don't do it!
Me: why the hell not??
Xman: because your one of my best fucking friends and me and Lew don't want to loose you. If we loose you it would hit us like a bag of bricks so don't do it!
Me: but I can't take it anymore! I have been trying to not do this for 6 fucking years and I just can't take it anymore!
Xman: can't take what anymore? Just talk it out!
Me: I can't take life! I can't take the bullying! It's all just too much for me to take and I am about to snap if anything else bad happens!
Xman: well don't listen to the bullies. They are just jealous.
Me: no they aren't. They have nothing to be jealous of! I'm a stupid little piece of shit. I don't deserve the life I live and as Callie said, I should just do everyone a favor and make everyone's lives better by just killing myself!
Xman: HEATHER DONT YOU FUCKING DARE KILL YOURSELF YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THAT! Please. Me and Lew can't loose you Lew loves you and you're one of my best fucking friends.
Me: fine. I'll try for a little bit longer.
Xman: thanks. Now I have to go because I need to ask Lew a question about this weekend.
Me: ok bye Xman. See you tomorrow at school.
Xman: bye. See ya.

And with that I hung up again. By that time I was bawling my eyes out. So I decided to go on Facebook and message Amber. I looked to see if she's online and she is online.

Me: Hey Amber.
Amber: Hey
Me: what's up?
Amber: Texting Roman, what's up with you?
Me: was on the phone with Lew then Xman called so I got off the phone with Lew to answer Xman now I'm crying.
Amber: what's wrong?
Me: I'm about to snap.
Amber: I'm on my way stay there, don't unlock the door I have keys and I'll find you eventually. So please just whatever you do don't touch anything.
Me: ok Amber. I'm in my room on my bed.

I turned my phone off and I set it down and I lied down and started bawling even harder.

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