Your Bucket

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"(Y/N)?!" The Narrator's voice calls. You open your eyes and you're back at your desk. "Oh thank goodness! That was terrible! I tried and I tried to come back but no matter what I did you couldn't seem to hear me. It was horrible. I've never seen you like that, well... I have but it was different."

"I missed you." You say.

"I-" The Narrator pauses. "I missed you too. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left, it was silly. All because you called me jealous."

"Well you are." You joke and hope it'll land and not make him leave again.

The Narrator let's out a dramatic gasp. "If anyone here is jealous of anyone here it's you. You're jealous of me and how great I am!"

You laugh. "Sure Narrator."

"Now come on. I think there's some endings we still need to see." The Narrator says.


You go through some more endings with and without The Bucket. Than one day while standing in the room with the two doors a feeling pops into you chest telling you to go right. You've gone right with the bucket before, but this was different and you weren't sure why.

"This was not the correct way to the meeting room, but (Y/N) had felt the bucket calling to them telling them that the employee lounge was simply the place to be." The Narrator says.

You stand in the lounge, it's nice. You're favorite place, you and The Narrator did a lot of just talking and hanging out in this room, despite The Narrator's strange rivalry with the lounge.

"And here it was. Had The Bucket turned out to be correct? Was this better than the meeting room?" The Narrator asks.

"Yes," You say. "Yes it is. It truly is."

"How insightful The Bucket turned out to be." The Narrator says. "Truly, being here with the bucket was a grand adventure. (Y/N) reflected on all they'd been through together. First walking through the door on the right then walking to the lounge, then arriving at the lounge. What a thrilling journey the bucket had inspired."

"Yeah." You mumble as the feeling comes back to you and you move quickly out of the lounge.

"No, never mind. The bucket was wrong. (Y/N) took the door on their left to go back to the meeting room."

"The Bucket is never wrong." You say as you continue forwards.

"No!" You feel the bucket say, "Don't go to the meeting room. Go somewhere else. The cargo left, yes. Go there. Go to the cargo lift."

"Now (Y/N) I'm sure you're wrong in thinking that, besides the bucket can't be right or wrong it's not alive." The Narrator says. "You're taking this whole Bucket bit too seriously!"

"Ignore him." The Bucket whispers to you. You step onto the platform and you swore if The Bucket could grin it would. "Good" says the bucket. "Now ride the lift all the way to the top. There's something up there I need you to do."

"The phone?" you whisper.

"Listen (Y/N), I don't know what you think you're doing but I feel like maybe this path isn't a good choice."

"Why?" You ask. "What's in your script."

The Narrator sputters for a second. "Well... Nothing."


"Ignore him." The Bucket hisses.

"Yes. I don't know where this path will take us. To the apartment probably but I can't be sure. I'll take the lift backwards. Just step back on and we'll get back on track." The Narrator offers.

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