Part 9

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On the day of the wedding thankfully harlequin wasn't as nervous as he was at the groom's party but standing on that altar and waiting for the love of his life to walk down the aisle. the music began and little iris ran down the aisle throwing rose petals and other flower petals into the air that landed on the ground followed by a beautiful sight. helbram walked out behind the little serpent fairy helbrams sister Azreal led him out into the aisle, when iris reached the front he ran over to gloxinia and judas his parents holding the shy yet excited boy still. seeing helbram walk down the aisle in his lovely white and green outfit made by him and his sister who was handing him off to the king. taking his lover's hand harlequin's face was bright with joy as helbram stepped onto the altar an older fairy stood next to them a teal and light green woven ribbon in hand, they wanted a hand binding something normally done in the mage culture to bind the souls of the two till death do they part.

"helbram le fay son of the first king's sorceress do accept this binding to harlequin the third fairy king and brother of the first?" the older fairy asked "with my heart and soul I do," helbram said smiling at his partner "and do you harlequin the third fairy king and brother of the first accept this binding to helbram le fay son of the first king's sorceress?" "with my mind and body, I do" with that, the older fairy tied the woven ribbon around the two men's hands fastening them together, and tying the knot. "and then by the power of the races and this ribbon I bind you with I pronounce you husband and groom!" the two kissed and the whole crowd of family and friends stood up and cheered for the two. when their hands were untied the king picked up his husband, bridal style with a loving gaze as helbram threw the bouquet of sunflowers and Calendulas into the crowd not seeing Ealin catch it. she looked to ban and smiled at him, Elizabeth told her what it meant.

the ceremony was over and the festivities began they cut the cake and played games judas had to stop iris from trying to play with Oslo and getting teleported, helbram was showing off the ring to his sister the binding meant they go to keep the pretty engagement rings, ban was bragging how he and Elian's wedding was gonna be next, and harlequin well he was just happy everyone was enjoying them selfs and having fun. "I'm glad you found someone" gloxinia walked up to the current king with a smile and glass of wine in hand." oh? I thought you didn't like helbram big brother?" "I don't like what he did but I don't mind helbram himself it's just his past actions I don't approve of." he sipped his wine while watching his son playing with Diane's son Zephyr, the two got along and were very cute.

"oh, gods are you about to ask if I'm gonna give you a nephew to spoil?" Harley asked getting an exaggerated and drama-filled gasp from his big brother. "whaaaat nooo I would never!... but are you I mean iris could use a buddy" harely burst out laughing, he and helbram did talk about kids but the king could probably only handle having one with his physical condition. "maybe we haven't decided yet." "well you know your honeymoon is always the perfect time." gloxinia chuckled hinting that might have been when iris was made. "should I really take your advice I mean you're a dead man walking. "so is your husband" he commented taking a sip of his wine. the two laughed as the night continued on

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