Part 10: final!!!

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the sound of a sword hitting a spear rang out in the training field. "watch your form idiot!" the redhead insulted the hooded sword-welling boy, "your one to talk you have wings I don't!" "my gods you're a late bloomer suck it up and float even zephyr can reach me up here and he's half human!" "mariposa second form twin danger!" the hodded boy lept into the air bringing down first his foot on the redhead then a danger to his thought.

"well done your highness you got me" "oh please" the hood of the boy's jacket fell reviling his brown fade to olive green hair and muddy gold eyes. "don't act like we aren't cousins iris" he chuckled getting a hiss from the serpent fairy. "there you two are" "dad!" helbram landed on the training field his son running over to hug him, "how did he do?" "well morgan needs to work on his flying he still thinks he needs his wings to do so" iris sighed picking up his spear and turning it into a bracelet that latched to his wrist. the spear was basquias now reduced to a first-rank royal weapon when a king steps down or is killed his weapon would be reduced to a royal weapon which has 4 rankings. the first was for the child of the king such as iris or morgan, the second rank was for the betrothed of the king such as judas or helbram, the third rank was for the bodyguards and the fourth rank was for the elite of the army.

"you're good at using that not surprising though you being the son of the first welder" helbram complimented as his husband landed on the field followed by two other zephyrs and Lillian gowther's son. "sorry I'm late had to pick up these two" king chuckled watching as zephyr ran for iris but got side stepped making him fall on his face "come on iris one hug?" the half royal giant pleaded as the redhead hit the other with the ratel on his tale. "you idiot no" he huffed a bit of blush on his face. Lillian walked over to the others morgan now joining them and helping up the giant prince. "all right second sins let's go!" the small group of four was ready for their first mission. helbram looked at harlequin proudly as he noticed the other parents coming onto the training fields.

"how rude not going to say bye to your mother I thought I raised you better zephyr" Diane called out in her shrunken form the boy stopped what he was doing making the others look over to the rest of their parents. "mom?" He yelled confused but ran over to hug her his dad hozer patting his head. "Come here Lilly" gowther opened his arms but his son didn't move it was a bit disappointing but Lillian didn't go to say goodbye to his father. Already knowing what to do Iris fly over to his dads hugging both of them at once "I'm gonna miss you guys" "we know but we know no matter what if you miss us we'll be right here" Judas pointed to the ring on a chair there sim wore as a necklace, it was his old engagement ring before him and gloxinia made it official with new ones "I know I love you both!". A bit of jealousy ran through Lillian seeing everyone having such good relationships with there parents and he didn't though gowther still cared for his son. Morgan went to his parents giving them a hug "be safe my little cub" harlequin mumbled just enough for him to hear. "I will dad don't worry I got Mariposa and I can call on Oslo if we need to get home quickly.

"Actually" helbram let got a took out his old helm from his bag "I asked Merlin to enchant it now whenever you put it on you'll be completely invisible" he put it on his sons head watching him disappear. "Wow!" Morgan moved the helm so he could see but not turn invisible. With good byes and gifts given the for children where off morgan took one last moment to look back at his dads and and waved goodbye.

"I hope there all ok" Helbram mumbled harley wrapping an arm around his husband to calm him. "They'll be ok I'm sure of it" he reassured him, there little group was actually powerful there was morgen the cub of sloth the prince of Avalon, Lillian the kid of lust a demonic homunculus, Iris the pup of deception a tribreed of fairy, demon, and serpentine, and finally zephyr the snake-let of envy the son of the queen of the giants and the grand master of the holy knights, they where the second sins the next generation of worriers and our helbram and king where proud parents of the caption.

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