King's Fall

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I do not own Destiny or Naruto.

"Oryx is still alive." Their worst fear had been confirmed and Ashura had dreamt of it before any of them had even uttered a word to Zavala. The books of Osiris seemed to hold some truth after all it seemed, not that they had wanted this to be the truth in the slightest. Sasuke looked over to Hinata and sighed, her suspicions had been confirmed as well. Ashura butted in and was wanting to help them, but Zavala shut that down swiftly, telling her she had other things to worry about here and that her helping with a raid on Oryx was the last thing she needed to be preoccupied with.

He also said something about a fallen and he assumed it was Krux, seeing as the large fallen hadn't been seen in quite some time and Hinata had been worried about her. Sasuke looked over at Naruto and Sakura who had showed up in full gear. Shikamaru and Ino were behind them also in full gear. He wondered briefly why Ino was coming on this mission, but was glad to have her expertise here. Gaara was off training warlocks in their new abilities so it made sense why he wouldn't be joining them.

"When do we leave?" he asked and Naruto butted in this time. "We leave now, the sooner we can deal with this the better." He said and Sasuke nodded. He agreed fully with this, and dug through his gauntlets to equip his armor. Hinata soon followed suit and he nodded to her. They all equipped their best weapons and listened as Zavala explained the mission to them. As soon as he was finished telling them how they were supposed to go about it, he told them good luck and stay safe.

They made their way down to the ship docks and boarded their own ships. The flight there was silent as no one really had much to say other than their shared fear. They remembered the way he was able to drain their light and it wasn't a pleasant feeling to have that done to them. Sasuke looked over and caught sight of Hinata's ship to his left. He wondered if she was going to freeze up once more, but something was telling him she was going to be better this time. He believed in her.

When they dropped in they found themselves in a triangular room that had a long hallway lined with thrall statues in front of them. He looked around and say doorways to each side. Before the hallway lined with the statues there were two large lanterns that had relics sitting atop them. Naruto and Sakura grabbed the relics and rushed forth, a group of enemies spawning in front of them as they did so. Sasuke shot the taken blight that appeared and the door opened before them. They then took the relics and slammed them down at the feet of two of the statues, which started to hum and two new relics appeared.

They repeated this process twice more, with more and more enemies showing up each time. Sasuke and Hinata focused on taking out the enemies in the center room while Ino and Shikamaru focused on the enemies in the other two rooms so that Naruto and Sakura could continue depositing the relics to the statues. After so many times of doing this the statues were all humming with energy and a chest appeared at the end of the hallway.

This first puzzle seemed simple enough and they didn't want to think the rest were going to be this easy. They looked out and saw large swinging urns and they saw ships appearing and disappearing in the distance. In the far back they saw where they needed to get to. They all jumped onto the first ship together and looked around for another ship to appear. It came from the immediate right and they dropped down onto it. another one appeared in front of them and they jumped to it as well.

"This seems rather annoying." Ino sighed and Hinata nodded as they jumped onto a platform suspended in the air. The next five ships were all lined up in front of them for the most part and they jumped across onto each of them, complaining about the tediousness of it the entire way. They jumped off onto the platform with the enemies on it, only for Sakura to knock each of them off the platform without a second thought. "That was annoying." Ino grumbled and Sakura nodded as they took in the group to ensure everyone had made it across.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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