Crota's End

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She looked around slowly, trying to make sure that no one was watching her. She knew Sasuke would want to go with her if she were to go anywhere. Sometimes she just needed a little time alone. She wasn't sure what was actually going on anymore and she just wanted tome to think sometimes. She slipped into the barracks where she knew a certain injured woman was. She made her way into the woman's room and blinked in confusion when she saw a familiar face in there, sitting on her bed. "Your grace." She greeted softly with a bow and he shook his head at her. "No need for formalities." He said and she offered a small smile. "How is she doing today?" she asked and he gently brushed the hair out of the unconscious woman's eyes.

"She's better." He said and she nodded. "May I ask a question?" she asked and a small smirk crossed his lips, but then it fell as soon as he saw the woman in the bed move. He made a move to stand, as if he didn't want to be caught there by her, but her mechanical arm fisted itself in his cloak. His eyes softened at this. "If you can manage to get her hand off, we can talk... but not in here. I don't want to wake her." He said and Hinata giggled lightly. She very carefully pried the mechanical fingers from his cloak, freeing the taller man. She vaguely wondered why he wouldn't touch the mechanical arm himself, but then the look of saddened disgust said it all.

He hadn't wanted this for her. He hadn't wanted for her to destroy herself and endanger her own life this way. He followed her out of the barracks, only for her to meet eyes with a certain other dark haired man. "Hinata." Sasuke greeted, but then his eyes flickered to Uldren. He opened his mouth, most likely to make some snide comment towards the prince, but Hinata frowned at him and he stopped. "Uchiha." The prince greeted with a genuine tone. "You better watch after her." That was a threat. Uldren furrowed his brow, he wasn't sure who the other dark haired man was referring to. "Sasuke?" Hinata questioned and the Uchiha gave her a small smile. "Not you, Hinata. He knows who I am talking about." He said and Hinata nodded, understanding as well.

A soft smile crossed the normally unamused lips of the Prince. "Ah but of course. That woman cant escape now." He chuckled and Hinata offered a smile. "I was close friends with her twin sister." Uldren said and Hinata watched him closely. The sadness in his eyes was genuine. "Can you tell me about her sister?" she asked and he nodded as they made their way to the steps to sit. "You remind me of her, personality wise. But she looked exactly like Ashura, minus the eyes. That bright pink hair? Her and Petra made a bet, and she lost so she had to dye her hair. It was amusing really and Kira should have known she was going to lose." He sighed and Hinata looked at him.

"Why did she volunteer to go into the vault even though she knew she wouldn't be able to return?" Sasuke asked and Uldren fisted one hand in the palm of the other. "She was stubborn. She was reckless... and she wanted to save her sister. Atheon was in Ashura's head and she wanted nothing more than to save her... I felt like I lost a very close friend when she died. Before I even knew, I knew... if that makes any sense." He muttered and Hinata nodded and offered him a hand, but he quirked a brow and shook his head. "I do not want to risk an argument, princess." He said and she furrowed her brows, but a smirk rested on Sasuke's lips.

"I remember the last time I placed a hand on you." He said and smirked back at the Uchiha. Oh yes... this would be amusing. Sass versus angst, who would win. She watched as Uldren's entire demeanor changed. His eyes seemed distant, as if he were focusing on something. He eventually sighed and stood. "As... pleasant as this has been I must take my leave. My twin beckons me home." He said and the two nodded in understanding. As Uldren walked away, Hinata watched him. She was confused by him. "Oh... I didn't get to ask you my question!" she called out after him and he turned to partially look at her. "She taught me." He said and continued walking.

Hinata blinked in confusion, how had he known the answer to her question when she had never asked him? Sasuke looked just as confused as she was. "What were you going to ask him?" Sasuke asked and Hinata smiled softly. "I was going to ask him how he knew how to save her..." she said and Sasuke chuckled lowly. "You will do anything to protect or save someone close to you, I guess even that guy sees that as well." He said and she nodded. "I suppose." She said and he tapped her on the shoulder. "Where did you plan on going?" he asked and she blushed lightly. "I planned on going on patrols on the moon with a few other guardians." She said and he nodded.

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