The Forceful One

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When they hit the surface of the moon Hinata looked around curiously. "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked her and she frowned. "This version of the moon is much different than the one Toneri and Naruto fought on. This one is more... Civilized." She said and he shrugged. "I was never here, so I wouldn't know. All I knew is that he had taken you." Sasuke said and Hinata shook her head. "I went willingly." She said and summoned her sparrow. Sasuke watched her silently, but he also kept an eye out for anything that could be a danger to them. He wasn't going to release the bitter reply to her statement.

He watched as Hinata's eyes flickered around the place more often than not, he understood that she was weary. Nothing was happening yet so he was noticeably uneasy as well. "Sasuke, theres movement over there." Hinata said and pointed towards a smaller building past the one in front of them that looked like some sort of bridge leading from one building to a smaller one at the opposite end. He felt the pulse of chakra that said Hinata was using her Byakugan and he repressed a smirk.

"Its Ashura. I wonder why she is here..." Hinata said and then her brows furrowed "What is that?" she murmured and started that direction on her sparrow, Sasuke following close behind on his own. they reached the area Ashura was fighting at only to realize she didn't need their help. she shoulder charged the blade off his feet, only to jump and use her fist of havoc on it.

She dusted her hands off then turned towards Sasuke and Hinata. "Ok... So you're not going to see much of me, Loki, Lion, or Dani. We have other things to do, but I thought I would show you where the titan was. We stumbled upon the remains a while back but we didn't have the ghost to revive them. When we figured out where the ghost was... they kinda sealed the titan within some sort of freaky green crystal." She said then flipped her cloak over her shoulder and winced.

"Hey uh... you guys don't see my arm around here anywhere... do you?" she asked and Hinata blinked at her only to realize that she had a circular mechanical stump a few inches below her actual arm. There were mechanical fingers meddling with the wiring there, but from the arm on the opposite side. "That's why they call you Ashura..." Sasuke said and she watched him for a moment before she gave him a curt nod. Hinata jogged over to her with her mechanical arm which donned gauntlets that matched the ones her actual flesh arms wore.

She held the end of the arm out to the circuits and the wires instantly began to connect once more, but then with a vicious jerk and a twist, her arm reconnected and it appeared painful. Hinata grimaced at the look on Ashura's face. "What? A second set of arms doesn't come cheap, there's always a sacrifice." She said then turned and shook out her mechanical arms.

"How did you get that mechanical leg, Ashura?" Sasuke asked and she frowned beneath her helm. "There are some things that a revival by ghost cannot fix." she said and continued on walking. Sasuke didn't ask any more questions because he knew with that one he had crossed a personal line. When they reached the temple of Crota he felt an odd chill go down his spine as the doors cracked open.

"Get behind me." He ordered and the two followed his command. The doors swung open and then he flew into hand signs. He took a deep breath and released it as a grand ball of fire escaped his lips and disintegrated the hive that came rushing out.

"Uh... wow... I guess y'all are some hella special." Ashura murmured from behind him. "Wait so you people have abilities but none like ours? What the?" he began but a swift green ghost shot past him, or so it seemed. There was no ghost there, it was just a recording projected from somewhere up above the rocks. Sasuke turned to see what was projecting from there, but nothing was there.

"I saw her... I actually saw her this time." Hinata whispered and Sasuke glanced at her oddly. "Who?" he asked and Ashura frowned. "That strange exo hunter... She appears everywhere. She doesn't stay long though. She called me strange because she couldn't decipher whether I was human or exo." She said and Sasuke nodded.

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