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Dan was destined for the greater things.

They always told him to spread those wings.

Yet, his doubts gnawed at his heart,

Always making him wish he was a part

Of the grand machine we all call: 'life'.

He kept wanting but would never strive

To be better at the things he liked.

Which is why he never took the mic to revive

The passion burning as it spiked.

Never did he hear the shouts beyond.

Never sang a song that brought him joy.

Never did he make that tiny bond

With the fans. He will always be just a boy.

They always told Nina that she could draw.

She didn't listen and chose to withdraw

From the school her parents paid for years.

Yet, she didn't care for their tears.

She just wanted to fit into this thing called: 'life'.

She kept crying, tearing up her heart

To be better at her dead-end job,

Which is why she never took up art

And ended up being threatened by the mob.

Never did she learn to paint a canvas.

Never held the brush to make wonders.

Never did she fight with those divas,

Left to always question her life as she ponders.

Daisy always heard their praise,

Saying she could dance her way through a maze.

But she tripped and broke a leg.

She lost a battle and was left to beg.

Stuck forever in the thing called: 'life'.

As she sat there on the cobbled ground,

Watching all the rich folks pout.

She was never going to win that round,

That's what she told herself then walked about.

Never did she reach that brightly-lit stage.

Never did she feel the flower's graze.

Never did she get let out all her rage.

She was frozen in eternal haze.

P-P-P-PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon