Could you

14 6 1

Could you abandon the world tonight?

Leaving behind the dirty deeds,

Pushing away the crazed feelings,

Intense pains and the stains

On your blackened soul.

Could you abandon your love tonight?

Fighting against the heart-wrenching cries,

The tear jerking demise that could be your prize,

And all of the sorrowful nights

You've spent awake and alone.

Could you abandon your fear of heights?

Looking down from the tallest of bridges,

With wind urging you from behind

To take that one last step

Into the liquid abyss below.

Could you abandon the worship of God?

Tossing the texts of the old to the side,

Closing your heart to the imaginary light,

Filling your mind with Science and fact,

Without question, at someone's demand?

Forever, eternal, unlimited, lasting,

These words hurt just thinking of the passed

Days that we mourn,

Days we wish to retrieve and relive,

Days that, just like today, will become a memory

Or a scorching brand on our hearts.

Scarring and fading as life moves on without you.

P-P-P-PoetryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat