Great knews always follows bad things

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A couple of weeks later.
Seriously it feels like the hospital is my home I'm always at the hospital I've even made friends with a boy called Alfred Byrnes and I opened up to him I told him everything he gave me one piece of advice and that was "In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take" but unfortunately he passed away this morning at 5:00 am those were his lasts words to me I didn't know him that well but he lived a long healthy life he was 93 years old so ye...... Mason is getting better he's out of his body cast and I'm even playing board games with him like cards,chess,Monopoly,The Game Of Life ect....... I can finally see why they call them BOARD games but as long as it helps him recover I'm fine with it. I haven't talked to Amanda since it happened. But she keeps texting me stuff like this
"Hey, Girl how are u??"
"Hi❗️❗️❗️❗️ u there⁉️⁉️"
"I'm not sure if you got my last 2 txt messages. Did you⁉️ txt me"
"Ok I'm starting to think your ignoring me😳😣😖😱😓😭 So sad"
"Come on I'm not sure wats going on over there I'm worrying xx😳😔😁"
"Mads I miss our daily chats have they just gone like👏"
"Miss you xx👀😔😓😘"
"I'm so worried, Where are you?? How are you??👿😡😤😖😟💦😭"
"OMG Alfie told me you's 2 split WHAT❔❓ Is that why your shutting me out⁉️ Miss you xx"
"Ok I've given up goodbye xx will never forget you.. FYI I know about u and Will I don't mind just want you to be happy xxxxxx😓😘😣💦😘😍"
And that text was sent two weeks ago haven't heard from her since I just need for all my Liverpool friends to be out of my London life it's so different. But I need to focus on Mason getting better actually I'm with him now.
"Ma-dd-ie can we play go fish" I smiled "Yes of course we can"
10 minutes later after a very long game of go fish I lost.
The doctor came in along with daddy and reported "Mason, your aloud to go home today you've made a very good recovery" Masons eyes lit up and so did my heart "Really, that's amazing I can't wait to get back home and start playing my actual games and my friends" I butted in "Ok wee M slow down I'll walk home and get your clothes and I'll get into some proper clothes okay??" Mason smiled "Okay"
I went down to the first floor and saw the receptionist who I actually gotten to know well her name was Charlene and she was about my age and working for the hospital for work experience she is really nice I actually have her on snapchat, Viber, and Whatsapp I also follow her on twitter and on Instagram and she's in about five of my group chats on Facebook. So we're pretty good friends. So when I went down to the first floor I said to Charlene "Hey Char guess what, Mason is getting home" she smiled and came out from the desk and hugged me "Oh my God that's amazing Maddie congrats" I started to rush "Okay well I've gotta go home I'll be back in an hour" I started to run she shouted at me "Bye, see you soon"
I decided to walk home but I bumped into an unexpected person that person was Alfie, he walked up to me and said "Hey Maddie how u doin" I rolled my eyes "I'm doing just fine Alfie now if you don't mind..." I tried stepping to the side but he stopped me "Alfie I'm serious I'm having a really good day so please don't ruin it for me" he snickered "But babe I'm your boyfriend this will only brighten up your day.. And I'm here with someone else you know" As he said that someone I used to know and love came beside us, she smiled and said "Hey Maddie, how are you, you kinda caught me and Alfie at the wrong time... We're on a date" I was disgusted my... My "Hi Amanda it's am never mind I have to go" as I tried to walk away Alfie grabbed my wrist and stopped me "Alfie I mean, if u don't let go of me this instant I will scream" he laughed "You'll never find anyone as good as me and Amanda" I rolled my eyes "That's the point asshole" he let go and I walked away. I smiled and I knew things could only get better. I poke up my phone and rang Will. After 4 beeps he answered.

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