Broken hearts

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Three mornings later I sit in bed. It's the day. I was unable to attend the wakes downstairs because I was too busy crying into Masons shoulder. He just sat there, almost as if he was in a completely different world.
I carry myself out of bed and walk over to the mirror, look at myself and question "Who am I?" I'm in the same clothes I was wearing 3 days ago, my mascara is all over my face. My foundation is creased and my eyeshadow and lipstick has faded.
Everything is ruined.
I walk over to my wardrobe and look for a black dress, no luck. In a desperate attempt I try my drawers and just my luck, that there's a black lace dress.
The sleeves are lace and that carries up into the top but as you get lower into the bodice it become proper material, silk.
I push on the dress and pull on my tan stockings. Walk over to my desk and make a desperate attempt at my makeup. Smokey black and grey eyeshadow. Pale lipstick and mascara.
"Now for the shoes" I sigh, I used to have these lovely black pumps in Manchester maybe there up in the attic, I think to myself.
So I trundle up the attic stairs and start to open the dusty rusty boxes.
I see a kite we used to use, when we headed to Brighton. I saw so many things up in the attic but one thing that stood to me was a picture of me, Mason and mum when we first moved here to London.
She was so lost, so broken hearted, but in that picture. That was one of the very first days she told me that she felt truly happy.
Suddenly I spot the black pomps I was looking for grab them and head to the stairs, but I stop. Turn around, and grab the picture. Now I'm ready for the day. I think to myself.

I walk into the kitchen and there is Amanda, Dad and and Alfie. I'm shocked, me and him broke up ages ago, why on earth would he be here ? Dad tilts his head to the side and gives me a sympathetic smile when he sees me. Amanda, well you can see the tear stain marks on her face, she's sitting down with her hair draped over her head, staring at her coffee.
Alfie, he has a cup of hot chocolate in his hand but he's not drinking it. It has marshmallows and cream in it, mmmm.  Suddenly he walks over to me and gives me a gentle hug, he whispers into my ear "Im so sorry" and you can hear the sadness and the sympathy in his voice.
The hug is still going as I whisper back "Thank you for coming, I still love you". As soon as I realise what I just said I jump back. We both do, Alfie looks frazzled.
"Here's your hot chocolate" he hands me my hot chocolate and I take it with no hesitation.
"Where's Mason?" I demand.
Daddy is now staring down at the sink, leaning against the counter, with his back to us. "He's in the sitting room".

I tiptoe into the sitting room and squeeze in beside Mason.
"How are ya holding up Mas ?" I question. He just shrugs gets up and walks over to a different seat. I sigh, not knowing what to do. After 10 minutes of silence, he come back over to the seat and sits beside me.
"Watch you'll crease your suit" I remind him.
He just sighs, " I could've said the same to you when you sat here beside me". We both just give a gentle laugh, I can hear the loss in his voice, the loneliness in his laugh and see the sadness in his voice.
I can't help but fight the urge to give Mason a hug and as I do I whisper in his ear "I know it's rough now, but we have each other".
He shrugs and walks out of the room not knowing what to do.

"My mother... Well she was everything you could ask for in a mother..." Maddison sighs "God only knows why this had to happen" Maddy cups her face in her hands and whispers "I can't do this".
She walks down to her seat and Mason takes over....

.... At Home ....

As tears fall down her face, everything shatters. Like a mirror or a window. Just like that. Seven years of bad luck. What's next ? No one knows. Mason comes into Maddies room and just lies down next to her. He buries his face in her chest. "It'll be ok" Maddy preaches, but they both just cry and cry.
"It's my fault" Mason confesses.
Maddy looks up from her sulk abruptly, "Mason, don't you dare say that. I swear to god if you ever say that again... It's not your fault Mas" Maddy says through tears "I love you, so did she. God has a plan, and this was hers." Mason nods and just lies there with Maddy.

💔 Masons mind 💔
Will things ever be the same ? Don't worry mummy. I'll be with you soon"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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