The conversation

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"Hey Will,"
"Ahh hello there the mysterious Madison, it's been so long since we talked have you been avoiding me"
As I was walking towards the house I answered "Maybe.... So guess what" Will pretended to act all exited "What?" I giggled "Masons getting out of hospital. "Jeez Maddie that really is good news". "I know right listen I've got to go Will talk to you later promise" I smiled. I went up to Masons room, looking at his toys that were left the exact same day as the accident. I whispered to myself "And mum still hasn't gotten any better" I chose Masons jeans and Liverpool top he always did love that top. I packed his clothes. Once I did that, I rang William.

"Hey Mads"
"Hey Will, so listen do u wanna come over to my house for a while before I got back to the hospital" I could tell Will was smiling through the phone "I'de love to. I'll be there in 10 minutes see ya there"
As soon as I hung up the phone I realised that I had no Makeup on and I was dressed in a Hollister tracksuit. Almost immediately after I realised this I ran upstairs. So when I got upstairs I got a good look at my room it was pretty clean considering I was never here. Although My wardrobe was open and my makeup was everywhere on my makeup desk. So as I walked over to my wardrobe I realised that it was the 19th of August I was supposed to hear back from the scholarship committee TODAY! Oh God I can't handle worrying about it so I'll put it to the back off my mind for now so I ran over to my makeup desk put on my foundation and bronzer but I still had to decide if I was gonna go with a smokey eye or a red lip because you couldn't possibly have both it would look horrible. I decided to go with a smokey eye along with black eyeliner and mascara. But I had to put something on my lips I'll go with pale pink lipgloss. As soon as I finished my makeup my phone buzzed it was just Amanda texting to say sorry about before I really didn't need to handle that, she's not a friend to me anymore. Oh shit I'm still not dressed yet so of course I ran over to my wardrobe almost everything was black and white I decided to go with my black leather skirt and my white crop top hmmmm which shoes to choose? I went with my black boot heels. I was all dolled up. Just to make it clear I was not dressing up for William I never dress up for a guy because there not worth it. I was dressing up because it was a special occasion it also makes me feel confident when I look good I mean not brag or anything. I left my hair down because it was wavy. Ahhhh!! I took a mirror picture of myself and uploaded it to Instagram and snapchat. Out of nowhere the doorbell rang. William was here yay!
I ran downstairs almost tripping my self but before I opened the door I took a deep breath. As I opened the door I noticed Williams gorgeous blonde hair was gone he died it to black! There was also a scar on the side of his cheek. What happened to him? I know I should never judge a book by its cover but this wasn't Will.
"Hey Will" I said smiling, he waited for what seemed like forever "Mads hey, babe your looking hot". "Jee, thanks " I said rolling my eyes "Would you like to come in?," he didn't even answer me he just walked on in like who does that and not to mention his new choice of clothing. I'll give you a guess! If you thought colorful clothes then you were wrong. It was all BLACK!! Oh and purple boots.
Hey you guys, Make sure to comment what your feelings are on this turn of events don't worry the chapter isn't over yet! 😀
Back to the story:
Will was sitting at the kitchen table acting like he owned the place "So are you gonna get me a pint of beer?" As soon as I heard that sentence I knew something was up "Actually Will" I say putting the kettle on "We don't keep beer in the house because me and Mason are under aged, as a matter of fact so are you" Will started to chuckle "Yeah so" "I can offer you a cup of tea and some biccees? Perhaps" I noticed Will rolling his eyes "Yeah sure whatever ya got"
After I made the tea and set out the biscuits
"So what's the new black look about?" I questioned, there was a dead silence seriously you could have heard a pin drop "Maddie my older brother passed away in a car accident a week ago, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you had a lot on your plate" tears were strolling down my cheeks, before I knew it I was hugging Will and saying "Will I'm so sorry for your loss, you don't deserve this. Max doesn't deserve this " I lifted my head up straight away me and Will made eye contact.
Will leaned into kiss me
Hey you guys ahh I know it's frustrating to stop writing at this point but that just means you'll have to read the next chapter to find out what happens. Don't forget to vote and maybe possibly comment it would really mean a lot to me okay bye I love u all so much.
Quote of the chapter:
Be who you are no matter what anyone says or does. Only you can be the best at being you remember that

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