Chapter 3

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"Where are we going by the way, we have been in the forest for almost 2 weeks now," you said as you wiped a sweat on your forehead.

In the two weeks you spent following Gary, you learned a lot more about the world. How to tell between edible and poisonous plants. How to get clean water even if there weren't any rivers around, and how to recognize friendly creatures and fierce ones. He was like a father figure, he was capable and he was strong despite his age. Carlos grew fond of him, always sticking close and asking questions.

You on the other hand couldn't shake off the feeling that he was hiding something. You would feel like you were being watched all the time, and you could have sworn you saw a hooded figure on top of one the trees at night. The figure would always disappear when you blinked though, so you thought that you might have been paranoid since monsters were lurking under the trees.

"So you know, when you leave the bunker. You are not allowed to go back ever again. There are many hunters on-ground now, and they have been building colonies and safe areas for hunters to gather, trade, and live peacefully once they are too old to travel." he pointed to the front, where you could see a cliff.

"Once we reach that cliff, we will be able to see the edges of the city of hunters, Carnage is its name," he explained.

"Why are you not there if you wanted company? I bet you can make a lot of friends there." Carlos asked.

"I'm too used to travelling, I can't stay in one place for too long. That's just my way of life." He stopped at the edge of the cliff. In the distance, a grand city was visible, its edges protected by iron walls. Inside you can see people moving around, going about their day.

"Wow..." you sighed at the sight. You knew there were other hunters on the ground, but you were always told that they would be hostile, trying to kill you and take your resources.

"You can say that again," your brother stood by your side, an excited glint visible in his eyes.

"Let's get moving kids, we need to get there before nighttime." Gary started to descend the valley, heading toward the city.

Once you made it to the main entrance, two guards stopped you, holding weird devices to your faces.

"What's this?" you were puzzled, yet another thing that wasn't mentioned in any of the books you read. The guard holding the device to your face blinked in confusion before realization washed it away.

"You two must be fresh out of the bunkers." the other guard took a closer look at you and your brother.

"That must be true, you look young," he added. You and your brother exchanged looks. Gary was already inside so you couldn't ask him what all of this was about.

"Yeah, we left the bunker like two weeks ago." your brother sweated, he was nervous.

"Calm down kiddo, it's just rare for us to see any youngsters these days. They get caught by human traffickers as soon as they leave the bunker, so it's a miracle you two made it all the way here. Go on, you are clear to enter the city," the guard chimed.

"Wait. Human traffickers?? And you still haven't explained what's the deal with these devices??? What's going on?" you exclaimed.

"What? Didn't they teach you anything in the bunker? There are groups of mercenaries that would catch rookies and then sell them off in the black market, either as slaves or as body parts. These devices are advanced thermometers, we use them to see if you are infected or not. If you want to know more, I suggest you meet up with the boss, he will teach you pretty much everything. Now in you go" The guard pushed the two of you inside the city.

People filled the streets, each one wearing an extremely different outfit than the other. They were eyeing you two, which made you uncomfortable. Never in your life had you seen so many people gathered in one spot like you did today. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't find Gary, it was like he disappeared into thin air.

Finally giving up on finding him, you decided to ask the by-passers about the big boss. You managed to pinpoint his location, but you were told that he may not be there, as he goes on hunts a lot.

The city was gigantic, it took you an hour just to reach the place he was supposedly residing in. You took a deep breath in, mentally preparing yourself to meet the dude before knocking.

Knock knock knock

Knock knock knock

A muscular guy opened the door, his piercing gaze silently demanding you to explain your situation.

"Hey, we are looking for the big boss? We recently left the bunker recently and we were told that he could help us." your brother explained. The guy's eyes softened, and he stepped aside, widening the door gap enough for the two of you to enter.

There were more guys inside, bodyguards perhaps since it was the big boss's place. You couldn't really tell, and you were too afraid to ask. You could feel the tension inside as everyone eyed you and your brother.

"Do you want to meet the boss or not?" the guy who opened the door questioned harshly as he noticed the two of you still standing at the doorstep.

"Y-yes, let's go," your brother stuttered before he dragged you by the arm and followed the guy inside.

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