Chapter 42

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Entry 1 ... From Dad

To Carlos...
To my precious boy...

Have you been doing well? Are you taking proper care of your mother and sister like I told you?

I know that you probably despise me for leaving like that, and I don't blame you. Sometimes, I wonder if this was the right thing to do, but... I had no other choice, it was the only way to save your sister.

It must have been hard to take responsibility at that age, but I want you to know that I am proud of you. I always was and I always will be.

I know that you will become a fine young man one day, and I know that you will be able to do everything that I didn't have the courage to do myself.

I am sorry for not being there for you guys, for not having the chance to watch you grow.

I honestly don't know what else to write. Truth to be said, I don't think I will live for long after we cure your sister. So, if you ever decide to leave the bunker... Don't waste your time to look for me. I will most likely be dead.

I am so glad to have you as my son, and I love you very much.

Cure? Were you sick...? And what did he mean by *Don't waste your time to look for me?*.

There was a response written by your brother on the next page.

Entry 1 response.

To my dad...

Although I'm pretty sure ____ will be the one reading this instead. I still wanted to write to you.

I despised you a lot at first. I was too young to understand the reasoning behind your disappearance. And for the longest time, I wanted to leave the bunker just to pay you back for leaving us.

I'm not the young man you hoped I would become. I couldn't prevent Mom's death, and I am even more of a coward than whatever you think you were.

I regret so many things. But I'm still going for  ____, not for you. But for me, and for her. Because we are blood.

I wish you were here.

Everyday I wake up and I wish you were here to tell me what to do. I wish I could see you just one more time and talk to you.

This wasn't addressed to you.
It wasn't meant for you.
But why did it hurt so much?
Carlos... He- he was always cheerful, so you were under the illusion that he was fine.
You were so so so wrong.

You flipped the page to see another letter from your father, but this one was addressed to you.

Entry 2... From Dad

To ____...
To my lovely daughter...

How are you doing sweetheart? Are you eating well? I hope that you have been taking proper care of your health. But then again, if this letter had finally reached you. I assume that you have grown to be a brilliant beautiful young woman.

I wonder if you remember me, and our little adventures in the bunker's playground. 

I wonder if you think about me as often as I think about you.

I'm assuming that you read the letter I addressed to your brother. So I just want to make one thing clear. It's not your fault. It was my choice to go out there.

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