You felt something poking your left cheek, and you scrunched your nose, slapping the thing away. It stopped for a moment, before the thing that was poking you, started pinching your cheek instead. You groaned and opened your eyes to see yourself face to face with a pale, blue-stained face.
Horrified, you punched the face as hard as you could, sending it flying to the ground. Heart beating loudly and mind still half asleep, you looked down to realize that you, in fact, had just punched the immune guy. He had his face buried in the ground and his ass was up.
You couldn't remember the last time you were this terrified for your life. Any kind of friendliness probably fell with him. He was still face flat on the ground, and you wondered if he got knocked out or something. If he wasn't scary and could possibly kill you on the spot, you would have laughed your ass off at him.
"Are you okay immune guy?" you shouted. He put both of his hands on each side of his head and pushed against the ground. His face was covered with dirt that got stuck to his face due to the blood, and he tried to wipe it away with the sleeve of his shirt but to no avail. He stood up and slowly turned his head to look at you.
"Oh, I don't know. You tell me, young lady," he huffed as he dusted his clothes.
"Would I be okay if my supposedly new friend just made me fight all night and went to sleep instead. Then punched me hard enough that I fell off the tree because she forgot about me?" he glared at you, slightly pouting.
"I am sorry for punching you, I was half asleep." you apologized, feeling slightly bad for the dude.
"Come down, the area is clean," he said smugly, holding out his arms and buffing his chest. You looked around, the area was indeed clean. No shrieks could be heard even from far away. There was still an hour before sunrise, but you figured it would be best to comply with what the guy asked so he won't get mad.
You climbed down and stood next to the guy. He was reeking of blood and some other weird smell, his clothes were battered and stained, and his black hair was super messy.
"You could really use a shower man," you scrunched up your nose as you looked him up and down.
"What a way of telling me you were checking me out. I just dirtied myself to keep you safe and this is what you say to me, young lady?" he put a hand to his heart, faking hurt.
"Right, thanks dude!" you gave him a fake ass smile, and he let out a sigh and put both of his hands on his hips, disappointingly shaking his head.
"My name is not dude, it's Louis."
"Okay... Dude." he gave you an annoyed stare before mumbling to himself as he walked away.
"Brat... Let's go!" he said as he nodded his head to the direction the city lights were coming from.
"You are going to walk me to the city?" you ran up to him, walking side by side.
"No, only to the outskirts of the city. If someone saw you with me. Not only will I be in danger, but you as well." he shrugged.
"Aren't you considerate?" you mused.
"Well, part of the deal was to keep you safe, and I'm not the kind of person who breaks their promises, young lady" he put his hand behind his head as he continued to hike through the forest.
Once the sun started rising, you noticed that Louis would avoid it by walking in the areas that were still dark. You knew that most mutants would hide away from the sun, but he was different, and the first mutant you ran into did come out in the sun.
"Are you allergic to the sun too?" you accidentally blurted out your mind."Allergic? Pfft, nah. The sun doesn't kill us, but it makes us weaker compared to the night. I can walk perfectly fine under it, but who doesn't like the breezy areas instead?" he said amusingly.
"I guess you are right..." you scratched your head sheepishly.
"We will make it to the city within two days. Let's hope that your friends are there as well." he jumped over a fallen tree and scanned the area for any threats before looking back at you.
"I really hope so," you followed after him. The sun was completely out by now, and he had his hood up covering most of his face. He looked familiar, and you could have sworn you saw him somewhere before, but you had no idea where.
The rest of the walk was relatively peaceful. Louis would ask you random questions about your life, how was it before compared to now. About people living in Carnage.
You learned that after he turned, or half turned to be specific. He slowly started losing memories, leaving only core ones, he didn't remember much about himself aside from his name and origin, which he seemed reluctant to tell you about.
When it was nighttime, he would let you sleep and clear the area of any threat. So that you won't run into any danger during the day and he would have more time to talk with you. It was pretty obvious that he didn't have anyone to talk to in a long while, and given his situation, it was understandable why.
He can't just go up to people and strike up a chat, they would shoot him on the spot, just like you did. You still didn't understand the reason why he chose to approach you of all people. Did you really look that weak and pathetic?
On the day you reached the city, Louis was pouting the entire time. But still wished you the best regardless.
"I hope you find your friends there. I will always have your back so don't worry,"
"I will hold and you to your word you know," you smiled cheekily at him.
"On a serious note though, thank you for keeping me company. I'm glad I met you,""Pleasure's all mine," he smiled a little before he walked away.
You walked to the city, hoping that the guys were there for sure because you didn't know what else to do if they weren't.

| Jailed | König x reader
FanfictionDYSTOPIAN AU. During world war 3, countries used nuclear bombs to defend themselves, causing the world to fall into chaos. Billions of people died because of the aftermath. Only those who were hidden in bunkers deep underground managed to stay aliv...