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Milo bit the inside of his cheek as he stared at his phone. He had been trying to get ahold of Violet for the last few hours but she hadn't gotten back to him.

"Milo? We're here." Megs voice dragged him out of his thoughts as their car pulled up to the hotel. Normally they would've been able to go home if they were local but they had another early interview with just Meg and him for Ryan & Kelly tomorrow.

Sighing he tried his best to muster a smile and thank their driver before grabbing his luggage and following one of their managers into the hotel.

"Still nothing?" His hand fisted his backpack strap, the two of them standing back as they were being checked in.

"Not a word." Mumbling, he looked at his phone again. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried his best to think about what day it even was. Was she at the shop tonight? Or the club? Did she mention a extra shift? Come on... come on..

"There's no way she knows." Quickly spitting it out as he saw the look on his best friends face.

"She's probably just working." Meg spoke softly, as much as she didn't believe it. She couldn't risk Milo loosing his shit.

"Alright room 235 and room 237.." Linda spoke as she handed the teenagers their room keys.

"I'll be in room 238 and I will be at your doors at 4:30 am.. So get some rest." Her eyes shot both of them a familiar look before having a hotel attendant take their luggage up to their rooms for them.

"Just relax.. Violet's always had a busy schedule and she's probably taken a extra shift or two with you being gone. I'm sure she'll try and get back to you sometime. Get some rest Mi.."

Milo nodded trying his best to believe her words. Mumbling a goodnight he pushed his way into his room.

Normally he loved walking into a new hotel room or apartment housing for production.
However as he flicked on the lights and the attendant left the room after dropping off his luggage, he never felt so alone..

The bed didn't look inviting, the room was too quiet and cold.

He stared past himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed.

All his thoughts about one very special woman that had undeniably captured his heart. More than anything he just wished she was here, with him.

She probably would've been here with you.. in this very room if you'd just told her the truth.

His mind was reeling as he thought back to all those months ago. If he had just been honest from the start. If he had just told her the truth.

She could've gone out to the nice dinner tonight with everyone celebrating his movie. Probably would've looked at him with a look of pride. Held his hand. Stood by his side. Supported him..

Pulling back the covers to the bed, he wished more than anything he was crawling into it to be next to her.

Before turning off the light he clicked a couple of things on his laptop. The familiar intro to the office played as he pulled the comforter over his shoulders.

He always needed background noise to fall asleep.

Sighing, Milo closed his eyes. Willing his muscles to relax, praying for his thoughts to calm. Tomorrow was the last interview of the mini press tour. Then he would be on his way back to to NYU and his life as a college student.. He could finally see Violet.

He would tell her... everything and he just hoped that it was enough and she would understand.

She had to understand..


"So are you two single?" Kelly grinned looking between the best friends currently sitting across from her.

"Haha I don't know Mi are we ?" Meg tried to joked, a flush was evident on her cheeks. Only because Meg had in fact started dating their co star Noah as they wrapped filming on the movie.

Milo however just chuckled awkwardly, his heart hurt as he thought of his girlfriend.

"I'm not sure if I was even suppose to say anything.. but Meggy and I are both seeing people."

"Oh really! Is it serious?"

"I think so, all he ever does is talk about her." Meg poked a blushing Milo in the cheek, the action finally getting him to relax.

"Yeah she's pretty amazing. I'm insanely luckily."

Milo bit his lip excitedly as security led them through the doors into the lobby. Just one more set of doors and he'd be outside in Times Square. Sure he was excited to see the fans outside that had been watching live but more importantly he was on his way to Violet.

He was more than nervous but at the same time he was oddly filled with this optimistic energy. He'd fight for her. What they had was special. Neither of them could just throw that away.

"Milo! Meg!" Screams hit his ears as soon as they pushed through the doors out onto the sidewalk. Milo looked at his best friend with a grin, flicking his shades down over his nose he grabbed the sharpie from his pocket to sign some autographs.

He had only taken a couple photos when he felt a hand on his elbow. Meg trying to get his attention so suddenly, he looked over in the direction she was nodding just for his whole world to stop.


Their eyes connected for a brief second but it felt quite literally like time stood still. Her face was filled with hurt. The sound of his heart boomed in his ear drums and he had a sudden urge to vomit .. Luckily he was able to get a handle on that.

However all hope he had began to sink watching as Violet shook her head, frozen to his spot he opened his mouth but there was nothing to say. Cece and Destiny glared at him as they took their friends hands and walked away from the still forming crowd.

Milo stuttered, Meg quickly excusing them from the fans currently trying to gain their attention.

"Two more pictures, sign that last head shot and we can get out of here. Okay?" Her voice sounded so far away, distorted as his eyes remained glued to the retreating figures weaving their way through Times Square foot traffic.

The sunglasses luckily were enough to mask his emotions for most part. The teen nodded, agreeing with his best friend as he put the best face he could manage on for a few more photos.

In minutes they were escorted to their car, a driver confirming directions before merging into traffic. Again, everyone's voices sounded so distant. Like he was just watching from the sidelines.

"...Do you want to talk about it?" Meg carefully reached out covering his hand with hers. She had never been more concerned about her best friend than right now.

"I don't know why I thought it would go any differently..." His voice broke at the end, fresh tears flowed down his cheek as he thought about what just happened. What it all meant for them. Of course she'd find out.

"How does someone fuck up this bad?"


Liar, Liar [Milo Manheim]Where stories live. Discover now