Chapter 1

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   No. It couldn't be.

Hamilton couldn't hold his confusion and obvious hatred. Why did he have to share a dorm with him? Of everyone, why Jefferson?

Although Hamilton showed a strong distaste for the choice, Jefferson seemed amused.

It was bad enough he even had to share one class with that snarky bastard, but being forced to live with him. That was borderline abuse.

"Oh, what a pity. Guess we're stuck with each other for a while." Jefferson said, amusement in his tone.

"Well don't get your hopes up."

. . .

As soon as the two were done moving in their bags, they had to settle on something.

"Okay, I'll get the bed closer to door-"

"Wait, wait, wait. Why do you have to get the bed closest to the door? Can't I?" Jefferson said, just to annoy Hamilton.

"Okay, so you can have the one closest to the door. I'll do mine closer to the window."

It took the two almost 10 minutes to figure out who sleeps where, just because Jefferson wanted to be annoying.

"Oh look, only one closet! Sounds like a new debate." He said.

"Okay. We'll just split it," Hamilton groaned. "I'll get one side, you get the other."

Jefferson rolled his eyes, a sly grin on his face. "Sounds fine to me".

Even with such a calm appearance, Hamilton was close to going off on his new dorm-mate. His friends, specifically John Laurens, had constantly talked to him about his horrid anger management. But it wasn't just him. Anyone who's seen the constant arguing between Hamilton and Jefferson could agree that the situation was just made worse by Hamilton's attitude.

But again, it wasn't just him. Jefferson's constant want for Hamilon's frustration wasn't helping. He constantly sought the anger within him.

When they finished putting their clothes up, causing debate of course, it was visible whose clothes were whose. Jefferson had a wide range of colorful clothing, mainly magenta. His clothes were visibly more flamboyant, but oddly fitting for wherever he went. Hamilton's only spark of color ranged from a dull green to any sorts of beige, tans, and browns. The rest of what he had was just black, grays, and whites.

Jefferson seemed to have a distaste for Hamilton's sense of fashion.

"What is with you?" He said, a look of disgust on his face.



Hamilton seemed to be done putting up with Jeffershit's fuckery.

"Y'know what? I was planning to have a calm year, and then you came along and ruined my hopes. I was going to try and put up with it, but that was just stupid." He said, relatively getting closer and closer to Jefferson's face, forcing him to close in on a wall.

"Hey, I didn't ask to be put in the same dorm as you, Hamilton. It wasn't my fault." Jefferson said with a muted laugh.

"Y'know what is your fault?" Hamilton said, getting as close as he possibly could without their bodies touching full. "How much of an ass you are."

"Go cry to Washington about it."

Jefferson slid from Hamilton's grasp easily as he plowed himself into bed. He looked unbothered by what happened, not even letting a smile slip onto his face. He got onto his phone and seemed to be texting someone.

Hamilton, still considerably mad, got onto his bed and tried to seem as unbothered as Jefferson was. There was no point; the angered look on his face gave it away. Still, he tried.

He was a curious soul, and he had nothing to do. He looked over his shoulder trying to see what Jeffershit was doing, and it got Hamilton a bit more fueled up. Jefferson was busy playing Geometry Run. Fucking Geometry Run.

Hamilton obviously wasn't pleased by the fact that Jefferson thought nothing of their arguments, but he couldn't let him ruin his whole mood. He decided to get onto his laptop to see if there was any work he needed to complete. His constant need to put all his efforts into one assignment caused him to not notice how late he turned them in. By the time he'd be finished with one thing, he was already missing the next.

He checked into the college's website using his student ID. His shock visible, it turned out that he had no missing assignments, and nothing that needed to be completed. He decided to check for upcoming assignments.

It's always good to work ahead, right? He thought.

On Professor Washington's page, it seemed that they had an upcoming project that required a fair amount of writing. Hamilton looked at the webpage confidently.

In the midst of an uncomfortable silence, a small chittering sound was heard.

"What the hell was that?" Jefferson asked, looking at Hamilton with the utmost confusion.

Hamilton ignored him, as he turned to the side of his bed that wasn't visible by his roomie, picking up a medium sized cage. When he lifted it up high enough, Jefferson could see there was some sort of living creature inside of it.

"Is that a.. a porcupine?" He asked, backing up as Hamilton brought the cage close to him.

"Not a porcupine- a hedgehog." Hamilton corrected, as he lifted the cage onto the dresser in between the boys' beds.

Jefferson looked astounded in a way when the cage was sat down. "Why would you have something like that?!"

"Why? Do you not like animals?" Hamilton said smugly. "And Quill's a she, not a 'that'."

Jefferson glared at the pet owner as he grabbed the porcupine out its cage.

"It's not poking you?"

Hamilton laughed. "She'd only poke me if she wanted to."

Jefferson watched in amazement as Hamilton handled the small creature. He held it gently, and the creature seemed to have no problem with him.

Hamilton looked back at Jefferson, who seemed to have stars in his eyes. "You want to hold her?" He asked, tilting his head.

Jefferson seemed to subtly nod. Hamilton slowly walked over to him, and slowly placed the creature in his hand.

"Just hold her gently." He said softly.

Jefferson, still looking at the hedgehog, asked Hamilton a few questions. "When did you get her?"

"Oh, two years back. Peggy gave her to me as a gift. She was getting her dog, Firefly from the shelter when she saw her, and had to get her. She said that she looked like me."

Jefferson looked back and forth between Hamilton and the little creature within his hands. The hedgehog had a seemingly upset expression, and pink eyebags. "She's right."

"Shut up," Hamilton said, laughing.

Jefferson looked at him, amazed. He'd never heard a laugh from Hamilton without it being after some snarky remark.

"You should smile more often," He teased."It'll make you look less depressed."

"Way to ruin a good moment."

Word Count: 1108

I wasn't Hatred I Felt // JamiltonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin