Night Three: New Development

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After Michael had arrived at his pizzeria he immediately began adding new things. The day he had gotten Lefty, Leo, and Burntrap he has also expanded his pizzeria again. Now he could fit even more things in it. He placed more entertainment around the place and once again, kept the safety of his customers in his mind.

Fazbear Entertainment was unfortunately known for cutting corners in terms of general health and safety. It was how things had gotten so bad, and how the company was on the verge of being shut down for good.

Michael made sure not to cut corners and instead practiced what the company had preached for forty years. He still hadn't acquired any lawsuits, and he was planning on keeping it that way. As he finished play testing the games and rides, he opened his restaurant and began the dance he was by now familiar with.

Leo wandered the cramped area that was the ventilation system. He didn't like it at all. The more he wandered, the more he felt trapped. Like he was caught in some terrible game, or in some maze. He hated it.

Suddenly he heard a speaker play in the room he was in and reacted violently, jumping up and smashing the speaker.

"Shut up." He snarled.

Michael practically jumped out of his skin when he heard a loud smashing sound that reverberated through the hall he was in. He checked his audio decoys and saw that one of the boxes had a big X on it, meaning it was destroyed. He figured that Leo was responsible for that.

This of course, presented a rather big problem.

With Leo responding very violently to sound, his options to lead any animatronics who decided to pay him a visit were woefully limited. With that said, there was something he was noticing.

They weren't all after him.

Leo wandered the halls more, before he heard the sound of footsteps to his right. He snapped his head in the direction of the noise.

"Who's there!?" He yelled.

Afton turned around and saw Leo in his worn state. He wasn't at all happy to see the wolf again.

"You!?" He exclaimed.

Leo's ears lowered and his lips curled up into a snarl.

"I know that voice..." He growled. "I found you, Afton. You took my eyes... Allow me to return the favor by ripping you apart."

"You can try, little wolf..." Afton replied calmly. "But you can't kill what's already dead..."

Leo lunged at Afton who dodged, using the wolf's blindness against him. Leo stood up and snarled before he rushed at where he knew Afton was based on his creaking suit.

Afton dodged the swipes from Leo before grabbing the wolf and throwing him against the wall. Leo got back up and slashed at Afton when he got closer, cutting across his chest before tackling him to the ground.

"Gotcha now!" Leo yelled. "Now burn in hell!"

"You first..." Afton said, before kicking the wolf off him.

Leo got up again, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head as he fell to the ground effectively unconscious. Afton dropped the pipe he had picked up and gazed at Leo.

"That was easier than I thought it would be..." Afton said to himself.

"Poor Leo... He found you after four decades and you knock him out..." A voice said. "That's not very nice... But then again, you never were nice, were you..?"

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