Night Four: Scrap Baby and The Withered Wolf

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While Michael was getting things ready for the day, Leo was wandering the halls, searching for Afton. He kept his ears open for the thing that attacked him yesterday as well as any new arrivals. Lefty had been searching as well, with just as little success. The black bear wandered into where Leo was and tapped the wall, getting his attention.

Leo turned to look in Lefty's direction, his joints very tense, but relaxed when he realized that it was Lefty getting his attention. It knocked on the walls to let him know it was them, so he wasn't immediately hostile.

"Anything?" Leo asked.

"Nothing." Lefty replied. "For a square corridor with only a few rooms, there's quite a few places to hide. But I found what appeared to be a dead end with some kind of segmented walls."

Leo knew that it was talking about some security doors. That was likely how he could get out of he needed to.

"I haven't heard anything." He said. "Not even a creak. The cries of children though, I have heard. They sound... Happy."

"They do." Lefty replied. "We'll find him. And then this nightmare can end."

"Then let's keep looking." Leo added. "And, Lefty? I know we had a rough start when we first met forty years ago... But thanks for being here. It... Helps to hear a familiar voice."

"Of course." Lefty replied happily. "So, friends?"

"Yeah. Friends." Leo said. "Now, let's get back to searching. Good luck."

"You too, Leo." Lefty replied as the two went their separate ways.

Leo stepped inside another room and looked around, his ears pointing any direction trying to pick up even the slightest sound. He tilted his head to one side, before he growled. He didn't recognize that whirring.

"That's close enough." He snarled. "So, who the fuck are you?"

Scrap Baby flinched when Leo called her out. She thought she was quiet enough to pass as inanimate. But clearly the wolf in front of her had picked up on something. She stood still and brought her claw up to attack if she needed to.

"I'm Circus Baby." She said. "Someone wanted me to come and get you."

"Afton..." Leo said. "You're with him, then? Another one of his little pawns?"

"I'm not a pawn! Daddy wants the soul inhabiting your body." Scrap Baby replied. "He needs it to be complete!"

"Daddy?" Leo asked. "That bastard is your father?"

"Daddy is not a bastard!" Scrap Baby snapped. "Please... Just surrender the soul peacefully. I don't want to hurt if I don't have to."

Leo charged at Scrap Baby and sent her flying out of the room by hitting her with his shoulder. He snarled at the animatronic.

"You're gonna have to." He growled. "You know... I don't like your voice. It sounds way too innocent. I could hear the sound of that massive claw on your right arm. You're not as subtle as you think, Baby."

Scrap Baby stood up and her green eyes looked at Leo and she gave him a quick glare.

"Fine..." She said, dropping the innocent voice. "Let's see how many pieces I can cut you into."

"You and your father can both burn in hell!" Leo barked.

As that was going on, Michael had entered the room to do his tasks for the day, but began hearing what sounded like another scuffle in one of the rooms near him.

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