Chapter 5- Like A Cat

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Jumping over the back of the couch, he hits the cushion with a hard plop. Although he was not as graceful as he once was, he was improving. 

"Was that necessary?" Shieun inquires in his usual monotone voice, while persisting in his study at the living room table that sits between the TV and couch. Sooho drops a kiss on Shieun's head as he positions to have his legs on either side of him. Sooho then reaches for the game controller while answering him.  

"Absolutely, how else do we know if it's sturdy?" He conveys an innocence that he knew would be seen through. He enjoys irritating Shieun until he responds to him. Shieun may get pouty or sassy, but he never really becomes annoyed with Sooho. 

"I'm open to suggestions." He further flirts.

Shieun simply plugs in his earbuds. This didn't bother Sooho at all, he was already aware by now that Shieun was very similar to a cat. Preferring his own company until he saw fit to want human contact. Otherwise, there was this, which was enjoyable as well. Although they were both doing their own thing, there was comfort in the contact and just being together. 

Shieun appears to have completed his task, as he twists his body to face Sooho and removes his earbuds before staring up at him. Pausing the game, he returns Shieun's stare. Similar to a feline, he was unable to discern Shieun's thoughts or emotions through expression, instead focusing on his eyes and body language. His lips would occasionally give clues, but not enough to be relied on for information. Currently, he couldn't read shit. Pulling his face back, he preforms another examination. Nope, still clueless. 

"What?" His confusion real as he asks, "Was I bothering you?"

Shieun raises himself to his knees in order to be closer to Sooho's level. Finally, Sooho knows what Shieun needs. After putting the controller aside, he gently lifts Shieun by his ass to place him on his lap. He arranges Shieun so that his arms and legs are encircled around Sooho, with Shieun's head resting on his shoulder. As he leans forward, Sooho retrieves the game controller. 

This position initially began in the hospital. When Sooho was feeling better but still awaiting clearance to move, he started playing games to alleviate his boredom. The injuries sustained by Sooho had a clear impact on Shieun, affecting him greatly. Even though he was still reserved, he was less distant, instead actively seeking connection, where previously there was a barrier. Shieun's hand would reach out and breach the barrier, wanting to hold hands or touch Sooho's hand. This made it very challenging to play a game. Finally, in a state of frustration, but still wanting to meet Shieun's needs, Sooho had come up with this position as a solution. Honestly, Sooho was expecting Shieun to fight it, but instead he'd leaned on Sooho in contentment. Their relationship was likely made clear by Shieun's parents and Sooho's grandmother finding them in this position several times. Both grandmother and father had shown nothing but acceptance, but not Shieun's mother. One day, she arrived to discover him in this manner and attempted to inform him that it was shameful and that he should return to the visitor's seat. 

Sheiun had turned his expressionless face towards her and told her, "goodbye." There was no inflection or concern. Due to Shieun's lack of argumentation or rebuttal, she was unaware of her low status in his life. That day, she learned to accept, or she'd be frozen out of her son's life.

Having thought of Shieun's mother, Sooho asks, "Are we meeting your mom this weekend?" While maneuvering, a difficult part of the game. 

Shieun acknowledges Sooho's question with a nod, his face rubbing along Sooho's neck as if he were a feline. Shieun's mother has been actively trying to build a relationship with her emotionally distant son since that day. While also having to accept the fact that Shieun would not give up his weekends with Sooho for her. Sooho, not wanting Shieun to have regrets, compromised and went along so that mother and son could have family time.

Shieun raises his head to see Sooho's face, telling him, "We're meeting her at the market, I told her there were things we needed to pick up, and she offered to shop with us." 

"Afterward, we need to stop by my grandmother's, I haven't seen her in a few days." 

Shieun gives him a look due to this particular fact. Asking Sooho, "You haven't been visiting her while I was at cram school?" 

"Shit! Don't lie, always go with the truth." he thinks to himself while he panics. 

"I've been slumming, playing pool with people I can actually beat." Sooho tells him. This is not necessarily a lie, although it may not be the complete truth. 

Shieun nods because he is aware of Sooho's love of playing pool. However, Shieun always won when they played together. 

Putting the controller aside, Sooho looks at Shieun with anticipation. His voice coaxing, "Well, if we don't have that much time before we have to get ready to leave. I really think we should see just how sturdy the couch is."

He leans forward to bite Shieun's pouty lip, "for safety reasons." He murmurs before deepening the kiss, his hands going up under Shieun's shirt. 

Sooho lazily watches Shieun get dressed, taking notice of how much more relaxed he was since getting off. He chuckles as he observes the shirt that Shieun has recently donned. Clearly a gift from his father, who has struck again because Shieun was currently wearing a shirt that says, I'm Not For Everyone. 

Shieun glances over to see what he was chuckling about and gives him a blank stare before looking away, causing Sooho to laugh even more. His lover was far more caring than he would ever show. It took reading between the lines to understand Shieun's actual feelings on something, this being one of those things. Shieun seems reluctant to acknowledge the significance of his father purchasing these amusing shirts, but it clearly has an impact on him. Since he always wears them. The Optimistic Club sweatshirt being his absolute favorite. 

"So cute." Sooho says while reaching over to grasp Shieun's hand. Shieun, retaining a slight pout, takes his hand and threads their fingers together.

While walking hand-in-hand out the door, Sooho was struck by a recollection. Being asked to save Shieun, and him almost not going because he was stupidly trying to fight his attraction. He recalls approaching Shieun cautiously, being sure of rejection. Everything about Shieun screamed, "don't touch me."

Still, he reached out and offered a hand. His arm had hung suspended, he had almost given up, but just when Sooho was going to, Shieun reached out and put his hand in Sooho's. 

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