Chapter 7- Red Handed

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Keeping an eye out for Shieun's friends to appear, Sooho buses the dirty tables. He hears the door open and turns to greet the customer, only to freeze when he sees Shieun's dad. 

"Hey Dad! What are you doing here?" Sooho manages to squeak out.

For his part, Shieun's father appears to be equally astonished as Sooho. Asking, "Does my son know you work here?" 

Sooho applies an innocent face and says, "Absolutely!" 

"Oh, good, because he suggested we meet to eat dinner here." 

"Absolutely not! He absolutely does not know." Sooho exclaims as he takes off his apron and name tag. Immediately throwing them at Jin, who was not even attempting to conceal his laughter. 

"You can't keep secrets in a relationship, Sooho!" He mocks.  

Shieun's dad, taking advantage of the opportunity to get some of his own back, he asks, "What does he see in you?" 

Sooho was indignant, "I'm a better, more handsome version of you!" 

Dad responding with an exclamation of "This brat!".

Sooho was trying to figure out the best course of action when he notices a group of kids his age coming in. Something about them seems excessively energized for a late-night dinner, more in accordance with the vibe of a sporting event. The one leading the group, especially. Whatever has him worked up, has him nearly vibrating. He was a tall motherfucker, just as tall as Hoomin and just as muscular. Which was saying something. Sooho was unable to see his eyes because the cap he was wearing was being pulled down and covered by the hood of his designer hoodie.

As he approaches, Sooho observes the tightening of his shoulders, the flexing of his hands at his sides, and the shifting of his right foot. Sooho slides back out of striking range in a single effortless move, his hands coming up, and his chin going down. Blocking a punch that was being aimed at his head. Grabbing the now over extended arm, he threw the big guy off balance, kicking the back of his knee as he went. There was some give, but there was no take-down. However, it did slow down the big guy sufficiently enough that Sooho was able to immobilize the other fucker approaching from behind. Giving a quick nod of appreciation to Jin, who jumps in the same way another of their friends did.

Sooho took a punch to the side, while blocking punches from the big guy. Blocking his face with his arms, he waits for his opportunity while fighting with his feet. Trying to get into a better position to fight the two of them at the same time. Next thing he knew, the fucker that was punching his side was going down thanks to a coke can to the nose, courtesy of Shieun. Leaving Sooho free to focus on the big guy. Several punches and kicks later, Sooho has the big guy on defense. Shieun, now free to help, swings at the big guy with the same damn coke can. While the big guy is trying to block his face, Sooho is kicking out to the back of the big guy's knee. There is the sound of popping and crunching, as both of them made their connections. As the fuckers hear the sound, they realize who has joined the fight and that they were losing.

When Jin asks what the fuck this was about, one of the dumbasses starts babbling. They were informed that the waiter, Stephen, was a mixed martial arts champion and that Joo wanted to prove himself to be the better fighter. All of them looked at Joo, who was holding his broken nose and his injured knee. 

"How'd that work out for you." Shieun snarks. 

Through the blood, Joo was able to mumble, "Fuck you Gray! This has nothing..." 

Joo was unable to finish the sentence as Sooho's knee hit the back of Joo's back, following him down as he went forward to land flat. Knee then pinning Joo to the floor, Sooho snatches a handful of hair to yank his head back.  Everyone was watching the takedown with widening eyes. Except, Shieun, who took the opportunity to smash the coke can into Joo's face again. 

"Damn It! Will you stop with the coke can!" Shieun's dad shouts at him from behind the counter, where he and Jenny are ducking. Shieun just gave his dad a blank stare, then turns back to Joo while nodding his chin towards Sooho. 

"Everything to do with him, has to do with me." he tells him in his monotone voice. 

Shieun's dad, once again interrupting, this time to emphasize for his son, "Yeah, he once put three people in a coma for hurting his boyfriend." 

There were several curses and one whimper as everyone realizes who they have just fucked with. 

"Wait!? Boyfriend?" Came from one of Shieun's gang.

Sooho ignores all of this and leans forward into Joo's bloody face, making sure that Joo's pained, filled eyes see him clearly. "If you ever so much as look at Shieun, I will hunt you down and kill you." He growls. 

The usually charming Sooho was nowhere to be seen. He used to be nice, but that was prior to his coma. When it came to Shieun, he was done being nice and giving chances. Joo and his goons began nodding and agreed right away. Sooho pushes Joo away from him and stands up, rubbing at his stiff knee as he moves away. Joo begins to get up, but he stops when Shieun, who saw Sooho rubbing his knee, lifts his coke can. Sooho laughs and grabs Shieun by the collar in an attempt to pull him back. Restricting his movement by placing an arm over his shoulder. 

Shieun turns his pouty face to Sooho, telling him, "I'm still mad." 

Sooho looks around at the ground. He nudges one of them and tells him to get up because he still has to fight Gray. 

"Is he pretending to be dead?" Sooho inquires incredulously. Causing Shieun to crack a smile. 

Jin and the gang dispersed the group of boys, leaving behind the restaurant workers, Shieun's father, and their classmates. Looking over, Sooho notices that Shieun was beginning to panic. His gaze shifting between the punks departing and returning to Sooho. Uncaring of the surrounding people, Sooho draws Shieun into himself. Putting the beat up coke can on the counter, he put Shieun's hand and head to his chest to feel his heart beat. 

"You really beat people with a coke can. You are absolutely nuts, you really are a wacko, you know that, right?" Sooho quips. 

Shieun lifts their entwined hands with matching rings and smarts back, "And you still chose me. What does that make you?"  

"Always with a comeback. I'll tell you. It makes me a wacko, too. Perfect for each other." Sooho tells him with a smile. 

"No way!" Jin exclaims. "You're always saying how adorable and cute your boyfriend is!" 

Sooho huffs at Jin and the gang, who are giving him incredulous looks.  "Look at him, he's so cute!" Sooho informs them while flicking Shieun's nose and poking his cheeks. 

Everyone stares in astonishment as Shieun simply stands there with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. 

One person says, "This is freaky," but they all agree.

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