Chapter 6- Caught

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Shieun listens as Juyang describes the fight between this Stephen guy and a gang of boys in great detail. He is shaking his head with disbelief at what he believes to be exaggerations. The guys recently claimed a restaurant as their new hang-out, enjoying the food and being able to play pool at it. Additionally, they became friends with the waiter, who was apparently one of the best fighters they'd ever seen. That was high praise coming from many of them. They've been trying to get Shieun to come and meet them, but Shieun has a busy schedule and his weekends are for Sooho. Although the guys didn't know that. He was not ashamed of his relationship, as he regards Sooho as his most important person. He couldn't imagine ever being embarrassed by his lover. Even when he was being completely idiotic. Anyone who didn't respect their relationship wasn't someone he felt the need to associate with. However, he had initially become friends with the guys out of necessity. He had drawn a clear line between school and his real life, but now that he was truly friends with them, he didn't know how to mention it or even if he should. Shieun supposes he should talk to Sooho about it.

Hearing Gogo call out to someone breaks Shieun's thoughts. It was Jin, who seems to hesitate when he sees Shieun with the group. When Hoomin calls out as well, he does come over, eyeing Shieun as he does. He greets them all, including Shieun, who just keeps eating and ignores him. Their misunderstanding was in the past. He was willing to let it go because he hadn't had any more issues with Jin after subduing him. He just wasn't ready to associate with him like the other guys were. His respect was, however, growing. He was aware that Juntae was arriving at the restaurant ahead of the guys to study, and both Stephen and Jin ensured his safety. 

"Do you and Stephen want to go to the movies this weekend?" Juyang asks Jin.

Jin laughs, saying, "That's Stephen's quality time with his boyfriend. We could see if the boyfriend wants to come, but I have the impression that his boyfriend doesn't know he is working at the restaurant." 

When Shieun hears this, he stills. 

He thought, "it couldn't be," but Sooho has been playing pool a lot lately. 

And prior to his injury, there were really few, better or as graceful as him in a fight. On numerous occasions, he had seen Sooho take down a group of boys without issue. He would have, in fact, not lost the fight that caused his injury; if he'd realized that the other fighter would cheat, allowing for the others to gang up and jump him. Sooho had not anticipated that, not with them being in a ring. 

Shieun could feel his emotions overwhelming him. Fear is climbing and threatens to take hold. What if it were to occur again? He has no desire to experience that again. After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he logically recognizes that he could sustain an injury in a fight, thereby reversing the situation for Sooho. It is possible that Sooho may sustain injuries at any time and anyplace apart from a fight. There were no guarantees brought with life. Logic has little to do with emotions, however. That would be the reason why Sooho didn't tell him. Sooho was an extravert, in contrast to Shieun, and required to live life to its fullest. He was unable to live within the confines of Shieun's insecurities. It wasn't that Shieun hadn't noticed how antsy Sooho has been, it was just that he thought playing pool was helping. Which it appears to have, along with a job, as well as making friends. He thought, turning to look at Jin. Now that stung, but then his head dips because perhaps that's how Sooho felt about only hearing about Shieun's friends. Then it clicks, what Sooho has been doing. He has come to the realization prior to Shieun that it is impossible for them to be together and lead separate lives simultaneously. Given his understanding of Shieun's feelings, he had taken the matter into his own hands to bridge the gap.

His emotions were all over the place and the person who could steady him wasn't here. Before he could stop himself, he was pulling out his phone and sending a text to Sooho to tell him that his dad was in town, and he was having dinner with them tonight. Since Sooho would be in class, he wasn't expecting a reply. He just needed a small connection, but he was mistaken. It appears that Sooho receives a special notification, as he began reading and responding almost immediately after the text was sent. Sending Shieun a reply text with a thumbs up and finger heart emojis. Shieun was overcome with amusement when he saw those damn finger heart emojis. Just getting a reply from Sooho helps him breathe again, but it's the finger hearts that really help him. Because it was that night and those finger hearts that led him to fall for Sooho. Whether it was annoyance, anger, amusement, or passion, Sooho evoked Shieun's full range of emotions. He helped him to feel. Now that he wasn't going to be overwhelmed by his emotions, he tried to figure out what to do next. 

"All the fights you guys are talking about make sense, if he is open about being gay." Shieun states blankly but calmly while looking at Jin expectantly. 

Hoping Jin would expose another clue. The group looks towards Shieun, trying to figure out what he was asking because he typically didn't talk unless asking a direct question. 

Jin appears as though he were attempting to decide if he needs to defend his friend. "Look, if you have an issue with him being gay." 

"No." Shieun interrupts Jin before he could go any further. His respect for Jin growing even more. 

Jin narrows his ocean eyes at Shieun, but answers him, "Actually, the fights are pretty rare and when they happen it isn't about Stephen being gay. He's big and confident, even with the cane, but if that doesn't give pause, his goofy attitude does. Basically, the ones fighting him are just looking to level up. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on the list." 

Shieun was nodding in response to everything Jin was saying because he knew exactly what he meant. It also confirms that Stephen was indeed Sooho. After solving the mystery, Shieun sent a message to his dad saying they would eat out instead of at home. 

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