Chapter 1

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( added Elijah and Helstea family cause I forgot to mention them in the characters reacting list )


Arthur Leywin :

"- big screen behind me and we will start in 5 minutes" Truth said as both the royal families along with all the Lances begin discussing on what do. It was later decided we should do as told by the Truth and which would also help them gain useful information regarding future.

The Student Council and the Discipline Committee decided to sit together with Director Goodsky. The Eralith family also decided to sit down with us, with Tessia and Elijah sitting beside me , "So who do you think we are going to react?", Elijah asked everyone but focused on me and his face for sure said 'I for sure know that the person we are going to react to is you'. He was probably right but i still hoped it wasn't about me, he could show us about my previous life which I really wouldn't like. I was planning on telling my parents about it soon but I don't want them to find about it this way. 'This could hurt them more if they find about it this way.' , which I would like to avoid it absolutely. They have shown me what having a family feels like and hurting them is the last thing I want to do.
"I think we are going to react to the brat considering his abilities and frightening swordsmanship." Gramps said which shook all the Lances and Blaine Glayder.

The Human King and Queen sat with their Lances while the two unknown person sat very far away from us along with their wolf who was shaking it's tail in too much excitement. ' Why is their wolf so excited about this? Does it or their owner knows what a theatre is?'. Looking at the woman I can tell that she is as confused and shocked as others but I can't tell what the man was thinking, but I can tell one thing for sure, that he is wearing a mask with which I am completely familiar with. A mask I used as King Grey.

"Elder Virion, how are you so sure that this commoner is the person we are going to rea-" Blaine was interrupted by Truth which made him pretty angry but decided to not to do anything. "Okay guys! Let's begin!"


"I knew it was you" Elijah said as many people were surprised to see my point of view.

The Guild Hall was not what I had expected it to be . A vivid image of a place filled with thugs seated around wooden tables downing beer was what I envisioned . Instead, it was a building filled with prestige and luxury . A marble structure towered over us like a sacred museum . Once inside, it was clear the amount of work that had been put into the intricately designed interior . There were tables made from metal where I could see other adventurers giving us a passing glance . The whole place had an ambience of extravagance that didn't suit me, much less some of the barbarian-looking adventurers here, but I simply continued my stride .

"Well Arthur you had a stereotypical view of guild if I had to say." Claire said to which all our friends laughed.
' was she being sarcastic? I don't know what to reply to that. Well let's go with this one' , "All the books I have read discribed them as such."

"Welcome! How may I help the two of you?" The female receptionist's rehearsed smile gleamed a pearly white .

Before I had the chance to reply, Jasmine slid a piece of parchment towards the woman .

"I would like to sponsor him for a rank examination . " Her face remained expressionless as she said curtly .

"Y-Yes! I understand," the receptionist answered, nodding her head fervently as she handed back the piece of paper . "Please, come over this way . "

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