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Because Skully knew the way to the farm, he led the way, Noah close by his side. Noah hadn't told Skully about what had happened-that he had mindlessly wandered to the dealer while everyone was asleep. He would, for Skully didn't deserve to be lied to, but now was not the right time. Skully had bought them clothes with whatever money he had left so that they could blend in easier with the city. No one paid them a second thought as they walked down the sidewalk. Ashton held Cyrus' hand, and they cast paranoid glances all around.

Noah's farm wasn't too far from the city, and he could see the convenience store just up ahead. His heart was pounding. He was very glad they hadn't run into any opposition so far. Perhaps all the bad guards and scientists were down below in the sewers, searching for them. Still, Noah tugged at his hood. They were surrounded by screens, and he knew someone was watching, even if it wasn't the mayor.

Skully nudged Noah, but kept his gaze down. "Princess is up ahead. We're almost there. Just keep going."

Noah glanced at Princess. She was alone and had spotted them, hesitantly closing the distance between them. They turned into the alley that served as entrance to the farm.

Just then, five tall guys in black jackets stopped them, standing in their way. Chills ran down Noah's spine. No one had ever entered this alley before. He had never seen these guys around. He couldn't tell their age. Some had stubble growing on their chin, others were tall and heavy. They looked menacing.

"Is there a problem?" asked Skully, straightening his spine.

One of the guys laid a heavy hand on Noah's shoulder.

Noah was suddenly gasping, though his heart was not racing. His mind was cloudy, and he blinked a couple of times. He was standing in front of Skully and Princess. Princess was on the ground, half-shielding her eyes, while Skully held one arm over her. Why was Skully protecting her? Something was horribly wrong. Noah could feel that it had happened again. He turned around and noticed the guys in black jackets on the ground, all unconscious, and all bloody. Ashton was holding Cyrus protectively, standing near the end of the alley.

"Noah," said Skully.

Tears blurred Noah's vision. He turned around, his hands shaking. How could he be capable of such violence?

Princess stood abruptly, anger flashing in her eyes. She pointed at Noah. "How could you do this?" she hissed. She then pointed at the unconscious men. "There are many more of them! They'll kill you! They're Bear's gang!"

"I don't care!" Noah said loudly. "Don't you understand everything that's happened?"

"Noah," said Skully again. Unlike Princess, there wasn't fear in Skully's eyes. Rather, there was concern. "Noah, we have to keep going."

Noah gazed once more at Princess, and when he saw fear, he turned away from her. He hopped over the fence and took long strides down the path to his house. He was shaking his head. He was angry at himself and at Princess. No one would ever understand him. He was worried Skully would stop understanding. He had to gain control. He had to, or else he'd lose all that he had left.

"Don't listen to Princess," said Skully, coming beside Noah. "You saved us."

"Did you tell me to do that?" asked Noah, his voice wavering.

"No!" said Skully genuinely. "No one... No one told you to do anything. But you still saved us."

Noah dropped his jaw and peeled the chip from his tooth. He looked down at it, shaking his head. "Someone told me to do that. Someone is telling me to do these things, and I can't control it!"

"Just... Keep the chip," said Skully hurriedly. "It will disable any technologies inside the house. We will figure out what is going on, Noah. I promise you that. We just need to do this first."

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