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Nick is now released from the hospital and is now back in Basildon Academy. "So, how does it feel to be finally out of the hospital?" Simon asked. "It feels great, even if I need a lot of medication and oxygen with me," Nick said. Just as the Wild Boys were about to head to their dorms, they crossed paths with Morrissey, the alpha bully. "Why look what we have here, it seems like Nicky here had caught the bug the Jew, Taco and, I dunno, Indian-looking kid has?" Morrissey asked as his minions laughed. "What do you mean?" Curt asked. "I'm pretty sure Nick got the Indian bug," Morrissey said before laughing. "First of all, it's not the 'Indian bug' you're saying, second of all, Nick developed chronic asthma and you don't know what he's been through," John spoke up.

"As if, Jew," Morrissey said before Richard cut it. "Wow, you're calling John a Jew, why aren't you calling me a Jew? My father's Jewish," Richard said. "Richard, you don't have to," Jon said before being cut off. "Why do you have to be mean to us?" Dave asked. "I mean, I'm telling the truth, you guys are just poor and I dunno who in your family made the right mind about marrying someone who's not their kind," Morrissey said. "Maybe you should stick to the fact that you came from a poor family from Ireland," Kate said back. "Woah, an Irish person roasts another Irish person, awesome," Jim said. "Whatever losers, see you in class once you drop your tubes," Morrissey said before leaving the Wild Boys. "This is seriously wrong, he doesn't know what we've been through," Andy said.

"Oh, I didn't know this short one exists," Morrissey said, after noticing Andy on John's back. "Short and also a Taco," Morrissey said. "I'm from the Philippines, not Mexico," Andy said. "I dunno what the heck is that, a made up country? I dunno, you're only hiding the fact that you're probably half Chink half Taco," Morrissey said. "Maybe you're insecure because you failed geography, I remembered you said that the Philippines was in North America when in reality, it's in Southeast Asia," Simon said while laughing. "Nice one Simon," John said. "Oy vey, you guys really need to start learning about the fact that not everyone's gonna sympathise with you because you have tubes up your noses from whatever illness you have. And I hope you don't spread it," Morrissey said before actually leaving the Wild Boys alone.

"What does 'oy vey' mean?" Chris asked. "'Woe is me' in Yiddish," John said sarcastically mocking Morrissey's miserable life. "And he has the tendency to call me 'Taco' just because I'm half Mexican," Roger said. "Not to mention, the 'bug' we have isn't the same, John and I have pulmonary fibrosis, you have pulmonary emboli and Nick has chronic asthma," Curt said. "Nick?" Simon asked. Nick just fell silent. "Let's head back to our dorms," Bryan said as he and the other Wild Boys headed to their dorms.

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