Chapter 5: Don't You Want Me?

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It is Monday and the Wild Boys are back to school, minus Richard because he's still in the hospital. Morrissey's suspension was lifted but had to travel around on a wheelchair because both of his feet had stitches from the broken glass. And he's also recovering from a centipede bite as well. While the Wild Boys were in the hallways, Morrissey and his gang confronted them. "What do you want now?" Andy asked. "Wow, first time I saw you wearing shoes, I thought you don't have or even afford them," Morrissey bickered. Andy just stared at him blankly, not wanting to be reminded of his upbringing. "Those shoes are on me," John said. "Then look at this, this is all your fault," Morrissey angrily said. "That's what you get for bullying us," Kate said.

"Johnny?" Morrissey called out to one of the minions. This isn't the same American Johnny who was kidnapped weeks ago, though he was familiar. This is none other than Johnny Marr, the beta of the bullies. "What should we do, Morrissey?" Johnny asked. "Beat them up, start with the rapist over there," Morrissey said, pointing at Simon. "Wait, Simon doesn't know how to fight," Nick said before Johnny practically threw Simon towards one of the lockers giving him a cut on the side of his forehead. "Ow!" Simon exclaimed, noticing that there's a lot of blood landing on his hand. "Simon, you alright?" Nick asked. He took out Simon's hand and noticed that there was a lot of blood. "Holy crap," Nick exclaimed. "Now, who's next? The Indian-looking kid, the Jew, the Taco, the Taco-Chink, the middle eastern one, Hermes, the Argentinian Macho, the Americans, the Canadian or the Irish ones?" Morrissey asked.

"Neither," Curt said before using his karate skills to attack Johnny. "Boss, the Indian-looking one just attacked our beta," one of the minions, Andy Rourke said. "Classic Curt is back again," Dave said. "Hope I won't get in trouble and get back to the bug-infested dorms," Curt said. "Simon, you alright?" Roger asked. "He's bleeding a lot," Nick said. Simon's wound may be small but he's bleeding everywhere, his blood managed to reach his entire hand. "Lemme try to heal him," Chris said, attempting to heal Simon. It didn't work. "That's strange, it's not working," Chris said. "Let's get outta here, Mike, Steven, help Johnny up," Morrissey said, ordering two of his minions, Mike Joyce and Steven Pomfret. "I'll go call Dr Hayley," Jim said, taking out his phone.

"What's going on here? Why aren't you in class?" Mr McCartney asked upon seeing the Wild Boys in the hallways with Simon bleeding on the ground. "I'm getting dizzy here," Simon said. "Morrissey's gang just started beating Simon up, they attempted to fight me but I just fought back," Curt explained. "Curt, I know you did karate but is that the right way to get rid of bullies?" Mr McCartney asked. "That's besides the point, Johnny beat up Simon and I dunno why he's bleeding too much," Nick said. "Our pediatrician will arrive soon," Jim said after he got off the phone. "So, what now?" John asked. "You know what, get him to the nurse's office, we have to do something with his wound," Mr McCartney said. Fletch and Nick helped Simon up as more blood started dripping, it ended up on Simon's white striped shirt.

Once they got to the nurse's office, the nurse helped clean up Simon's wound and added dressing to it. But the wound still didn't clot, even the nurse was surprised by it. "So?" Mr McCartney asked. "The wound didn't clot, that's weird," the nurse said. "Could it be possible that Simon has haemophilia?" Andy asked. "What's that?" Roger asked. "It's an X-linked recessive hereditary disorder where your blood cannot clot properly, this mostly happens to males since it is usually inherited from the mother," Andy explained. "Why didn't you tell me about it?" Nick asked in concern. "I don't want you or anyone to see me as weak because I bleed too much, not to mention, you're already sick so there's no point of you knowing that I'm also sick," Simon confessed, sadly.

"Simon, you don't have to think that way and I don't actually care if you're haemophiliac or not, I love you for who you are," Nick said. "You know that 'haemophilia' means 'blood loving' in Greek?" George asked. "The hell?" Nick questioned before noticing more blood seeping through the cotton taped onto Simon's wound. Dr Hayley soon arrived with Dr O'Connor and Dr Mills. "Are you guys paramedics or the main paediatricians of these kids?" The nurse asked. "We are the main paediatricians of these kids, I'm Dr Anne Hayley," Dr Hayley said. "Simon, what happened?" Dr O'Connor asked. "Johnny threw him against the lockers and he gashed his forehead, and now he's endlessly bleeding," Curt said.

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