Chapter 2: We Built This City

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The next day is the last day of school for the week. Curt, John, Andy, Richard and Nick got their letters to the Make A Wish Foundation while Roger is still yet to finish his. He still hasn't started writing because of his dyslexia and his automatic writing isn't working. "Hey, did you start writing your letter to the Make A Wish Foundation?" Chris asked. "No, my dyslexia is getting in the way," Roger said. "I'll try to help you once we head to Chemistry," Chris said. Once the Wild Boys were in Chemistry, Chris decided to help Roger write his letter. "Okay, try to make out what you want to write and then I'll write it down," Chris said. "Okay, dear Make A Wish Foundation, my name is Roger Andrew Hernadez Taylor, I'm 17, I'm from Birmingham in the UK currently living in Basildon, Essex and I suffer from a mitochondrial disorder," Roger started out.

"Not bad, mind if you continue?" Chris asked. Roger nodded. "I was just diagnosed last month after an operation to remove my appendix, then my digestive system failed. Later my respiratory system failed and I had to be on a ventilator via a trach. I couldn't breathe on my own due to the blood clots that formed in my lungs and I had respiratory failure," Roger said. "Wait, Jon, is the Make A Wish Foundation aware of the aliens?" Roger asked. "It may come as a surprise but they do know the existence of aliens, a few children in America who sent their letters to the organization are alien-hybrids," Jon said. Roger nodded and continued on with the letter. "And then the alien DNA was injected into me to re-modify my already-existing alien DNA and the DNA that led to my mitochondrial disorder I inherited from my father, who passed away due to complications from this disease. I am now recovering from organ failure, I'm on oxygen to help my lungs and on IV nutrition for nutrients," Roger said.

"And what's your wish?" Chris asked. "I just want to see my family again, my mum, my step dad and my sister, Mariana. I've been away from them for 2 years because of my education, I never got to see Mariana grow up and now that I'm sick, I don't think it is possible to see my family again. So I hope there is a way I'm allowed to go back to Birmingham to see them again. From Roger Andrew Hernadez Taylor, 17," Roger concluded. "What are you guys doing?" Ms Harry asked as Chris immediately hid the letter. "Nothing, Ms Harry," Chris said. "Why don't you just take notes on enthalpy and entropy?" Ms Harry asked. Chris and Roger nodded and began taking notes on what Ms Harry wrote on the blackboard. After Chemistry, the Wild Boys proceeded to their next class, English.

"Good morning everyone," Mr McCartney greeted. "Good morning Mr McCartney," everyone said. "Alright, has anyone finished their essay? The deadline is a week from now," Mr McCartney asked. The entire class just shook their heads. "Well, I'll give you this period to finish it," Mr McCartney said. Simon was only halfway through his essay and is yet to finish it but had to stop because of detention. Roger didn't even get started with his essay because of his dyslexia. But this time, he tried to use his powers to write down his essay. His handwriting was very messy. "Dude, why is your handwriting so messy?" John asked. "I can't tell, I'm dyslexic," Roger said. "Ask George, he has the messiest handwriting out of all of us," Andrew jokingly said.

"Not my problem, I'm left-handed," George defended. "Just look at Curt and John, they started using their left hands for writing." "We're ambidextrous for some reason," John said, switching the pencil he has to his right hand. "Didn't I see you painting soldiers with your left hand yesterday?" Andy asked. "I'm just mixed-handed, I use both hands," John said. "I thought I'm the one who needed both hands, except that I can't write because of my dyslexia," Roger said before a headache began blossoming. "Roger, you alright?" Roland asked, sensing the distress Roger is going through. Roger didn't answer, his pencil going all over the place and then began writing a message in alien language again. "I thought this won't happen since I was diagnosed with mito," Roger panicked, unable to catch his breath.

Both Curt and John noticed the commotion and saw that Roger got triggered again. Curt picked up the notebook and tried to translate what Roger's mind just wrote. "Wild Boys, help me, I had just crashed into the campus," Curt read out. "Who crashed into the campus?" Kate asked. "An alien I suppose," John said. "Let's check at lunch break," Curt said before sitting down. As soon as it's lunch time, the Wild Boys eat quickly before going to their campus only to find a damaged alien spacecraft. "The spacecraft is damaged," Maddy said. "Yeah, but who could possibly be in there?" John asked. Then, an injured alien crawled out of the spacecraft. "Hey, what happened?" Curt asked. "Crashed... into... Earth... someone... shot... down..." the alien said before passing out.

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