Chapter 1: Somewhere In The Darkness

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It's been a day since Nick got released from the hospital and he's been trying to adjust to his new life. Chronically ill with bad lungs and heart, he needs to not only bring around an oxygen tank but also a PICC line and a heart monitor. He didn't know how Curt, John, Roger or even Andy were able to adjust to their condition no matter how mild or severe it is. While walking through the halls in order to get to his first period, he crossed paths with Morrissey again. "Well if it isn't asthma boy," Morrissey said after seeing Nick. "Leave me alone, Morrissey," Nick said. "Or what? You're going to run to your upper sixth form boyfriend?" Morrissey asked as his minions laughed. Nick had dealt with how intimidating the previous incarnation of the bullies were, because he was roommates with one of them.

Now, he had to deal with bigger jerks, especially because Morrissey is in the upper sixth form. "Hey! Leave him alone!" A teenager, probably from the upper sixth form called out. He is seemingly tall and attractive with brown hair and matching brown eyes. "Are you dating this midget, Paul?" Morrissey asked. "No, but you better not bully him, you don't know what he's going through. Can't you see? He's chronically ill," Paul argued. "Why can't you see he might fake it?" Morrissey asked. "I can clearly hear his wheezing and fast heartbeat, he needed oxygen more than you do, Steven," Paul said. "Don't you dare Steven me, Paul, I'm gonna ruin your life if you dare try to side with this young brat here," Morrissey said before leaving. Nick just stood there, shell-shocked. He doesn't know why an older student, older than his boyfriend, Simon, is defending him.

"Hey kid, you alright?" Paul asked. "Yeah," Nick stammered. "What's your name? You must be in my form," Paul said, able to recognise who Nick is. "Nick, Nick Bates," Nick said. "Nice to meet you, Nick, I'm Paul, one of the upper sixth students, you have English first, right?" Paul asked. "Yeah, with my friends, the Wild Boys," Nick said. "Oh same, let's go," Paul said before he and the smaller teen headed to their class. Nick immediately found his seat next to Simon and just laid his head on his desk. "Hey Nicky, what's up?" Simon asked. "Morrissey bullied him," Paul said. "Who are you?" Simon asked. "Paul, I'm one of the students from the upper sixth form," Paul answered. "I'm Simon, Nick's boyfriend," Simon said, slightly solemnly worried that Paul, a somewhat jock-looking kid, would beat him up.

Surprisingly, Paul brightened up and it seems like he was proud of Simon. "Congrats Simon, I'm glad you managed to find out your sexuality," Paul said. "Oh errr you're welcome, so about the bullying," Simon said as he allowed Paul to talk about what he witnessed. "I was on my way to this form when I saw Morrissey bully Nick, I couldn't help but feel the urge to protect him because he was so small compared to Morrissey and his gang. Also, I could actually hear his wheezing so I knew he was sick and it could explain why he brings an oxygen tank around," Paul said. "Dude, I can't actually hear it, can you?" John asked from behind. The other Wild Boys seemed confused because neither of them could hear Nick's wheezing or fast heartbeat. Or Curt, John or Roger's breathing or Andy's stomach.

"How were you able to hear wheezing from, I dunno, a kilometre?" Kate asked. Paul was about to explain when Morrissey came in. "Still gonna side with those babies, Paul?" Morrissey asked. "Look, if you dare lay a finger on these guys, you're gonna be done for, you get me?" Paul said, standing up from his seat looking like he was about to punch Morrissey. The Wild Boys were shocked that Paul was being protective of them while being a jock. Roland knew he was just a jock but with a bigger heart than any jock. He's even as protective as Simon. "If I see you attempt to beat up any younger student in our form, you'll be done for," Paul said before settling back to his seat. Just as Morrissey headed to his seat, Nick began having a coughing fit.

Simon wasted no time so he grabbed Nick's inhaler from his pocket and just administered the medication. "You're okay Nick, you're okay," Simon said as Nick began calming down. "What happened to him? I know he's chronically ill but I just want to know what kind of condition he has," Paul said. "Chronic asthma and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome caused by paroxysmal tachycardia," Simon said. "Wow, that must be rough, isn't it?" Paul asked. "Very, and he hasn't been taking it well," Simon said. "I just don't understand how Curt, John, Andy and Roger were able to handle their condition," Nick said. "We'll talk about it during recess, Mr McCartney is coming," Alan said before Mr McCartney came in and everyone settled down. "Okay, good morning class, let me check attendance for a bit. Also, we have a new student in our form, even though he's been in our school for a bit. Steven, please introduce yourself," Mr McCartney said.

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