Chapter 4: All I Wanna Do Is See You Again

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It is Sunday, the last day of the weekend before school starts again. (Author's note: Minor detail here, starting from Chapter 3, John wears his glasses instead of contact lenses) The Wild Boys are going back to the hospital to see how Richard and Skywalker were doing. "So, we're going back to the hospital again, right?" John asked. "Yeah, we're gonna see Richard and Skywalker again," Curt said. "So, who are we gonna see first? Skywalker or Richard?" Dave asked. "Depends on who we were able to see first," Kate said. "Alright then, let's head to the bus," Simon said before the Wild Boys headed out of the dorms. Once out of the dorms, they were all hoping that Morrissey won't come up to them and bully them. Surprisingly, he didn't. Even though it's a good thing, the Wild Boys were strangely worried. "That's weird," Simon said. "What's weird?" Roger asked.

"Morrissey didn't come up to us to, I dunno, torture us?" Simon asked. "Why are you so worried about him all of a sudden? He's a jerk," Nick asked, feeling enraged since Morrissey had beaten him up a few days ago. "Do you guys know which dorm Morrissey lives in?" Kate said. Andy closed his eyes and tried to locate Morrissey's dorm. "He lives on the other side of the campus," Andy said. "Wait, the other side of the campus is where all the misbehaved transfers live," Martin said. "Oh geez, that place sucks, so glad I moved to this part of the campus ever since I got therapy and joined the karate club with the elite transfers," Curt said. "So do I," Simon said. "Yeah, I agree, that place definitely sucks. I wouldn't dare to go back because it stinks as well," Nick said.

"It does," Chris said, agreeing to Nick. "Have any of you lived in that part of the campus?" Simon asked. The other Wild Boys shook their heads, only Curt, Simon, Nick and Chris had stayed in that area. "What about you, Dave, you were a very naughty kid," Curt asked, remembering that Dave did crime like he did. "I wasn't a transfer so I don't count," Dave said. "So, do you know the way to that side of the campus?" Bryan asked. "Sure, follow us, trust me, it looks like juvie there," Nick said before leading the Wild Boys to the other side of the campus. The Basildon Academy campus, especially the park, is one of the most beautiful places especially when it comes to education. You could compare it to Oxford or Cambridge but for teens aged 12-19 instead of university students.

However, every beautiful thing has its dark side. The other side of the Basildon Academy campus is where the naughty transfer students live. According to Simon, it is constantly compared to juvenile prison since he's been to both juvie and the other side of the campus. It's still a scary experience, according to the students who lived there. "I didn't know there's a dark side to this academy, I thought this was one of the best public schools in the UK," Maddy said. "Every best thing has its dark side, Maddy," Kate said. "Yes, this is considered one of the best schools in the UK but there's also a dark side here," Roland said. The Wild Boys reached the other side of the campus, also known as the 'juvenile prison' of the school. It looked like it had been abandoned for years, but to Simon, it looks exactly like a juvenile prison.

"You were right, Simon, it looks exactly like a juvenile prison," John said, just looking at the dorm areas. "Yeah, it's scary too," Andy said. "I used to stay there, it sucks," Chris said. "Andy, do you know which room Morrissey stays in?" Roger asked. "I do, John, mind if you put me down?" Andy asked. John nodded and placed Andy down so that he could guide the Wild Boys to Morrissey's room. The entire area was scary, so many insects and bugs around it. John almost jumped when he saw a spider. "What?" Jim asked. "Spider," John said. "You're afraid of spiders?" Jim asked. "Yeah," John said. That's when he saw a centipede which made him instinctively carry Andy because he was barefoot. "I should've given you shoes before we even came here," John said before Andy teleported.

"Where did he go?" Simon asked before Andy appeared with shoes on. They were the same high cut Chuck Taylors his friends and boyfriends were wearing. "Now I don't have to be bitten by a centipede, let's go," Andy said as the Wild Boys continued exploring the scary part of the campus. Andy found the building Morrissey lives in and just went in, trying to find the room he lives in. "So many rooms, could Morrissey be lonely in here?" Jon asked. "Ugh, this place stinks," Chris said, disliking the stench. "Seems like Morrissey's not alone here, there are many bullies in this school who were transfers and they either have to cram together in one room or be alone in one room," Fletch said. "There are many transfers here who are being bullies so that's why this exists," Martin said.

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