8 / bare minimum

18 3 0

T r a c y

I woke up from a nap I didn't realise I took and it was dark in my room. My eyes gazed to my alarm clock alerting me it was 4am and I yawned hard as my arm started to tingle with pain. I turned on my bedlight and my eyes saw a handwritten note with some painkillers, glass of water and a snack. 

Hey Trac, left you some painkillers for when you wake up knowing you are well overdue for them once you wake up. I will be back in the morning and we can do something after you get some school work done. Love you. Cam.

I rolled my eyes as I swallowed the pills with some water and ate the snack. I didn't feel tired anymore but it was too early to do anything so I lied back down and touched my bandaged arm with a sigh. I sat back up remembering during my grogginess that Shelley left all my home work and school work on my table as she tried not to wake me up. I got out of bed and walked over to my table then sat down to complete some of the work.

C a m

I woke up before my alarm clock went off so I got up to shower and get ready to go back to the DG to look after Tracy. I was making myself more available to her now and will now take my notebook too to do my author work while Tracy does her school work. Shelley and Mike didn't want Tracy to go to school for now as they worried about her running off or people seeing her damaged arm. I didn't want her to go either to be fair, I felt more comfortable with her under one of our supervision than the schools.

I got everything I needed then drove to the Dumping Ground and it was busy as all the kids got ready for school so I quietly waved to Mike who waved back and I walked up the stairs to Tracy's room. I opened the door slightly and saw her sound asleep at her table. I slowly figured out she was doing some of her work and the pain killers must of made her fall asleep.

"Oh Trac.." I sighed gently as I kneeled down and rubbed her back gently. "Hey.." Her brown eyes fluttered opened and she quickly stood up then put a distance between us. "I didn't mean to startle you, are you hungry?"

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I looked down at my PJ's and I saw her move back a little. "I will go get you something?" She suggested gently and I shook my head. "We can go down, the others are heading off to school so we will have the place to ourselves."

I sighed as I chucked on a jumper and some uggboots. I walked past Cam who was still probably trying to figure out how to handle the silence I was dishing out and I don't blame her, I wouldn't know how to handle it either. I heard her footsteps so I knew she was following me down the stairs and into the dining area. She was right, breakfast was still there and everyone else was gone.

I took a plate and served a small potion of porridge then sat down as she followed my lead. We both sat from a distance but still enough for Cam to chat to me without it looking awkward from a far away perspective.

"I know we aren't on speaking terms.." Cam confirmed she knew what I was doing and I looked down at my porridge then took a small bite. "But I am here for you."

C a m

Seeing her so quiet will take a bit to get used to. Suddenly, Shelley walked in and I offered her half a smile which she returned then looked over at Tracy. "Good morning you two!"

"Good morning!" I responded back and Tracy still kept her gaze down at her porridge. I shrugged my shoulders when Shelley looked at me concerned and she nodded. 

"Here is your medicine, Tracy and I left everything in your room for what you need to complete for school." Shelley explained gently and looked over at me again with a warm smile. "I will be in my office if you need me." Then she left us again and I looked at Tracy who was now nibbling on her toast.

I swallowed before I spoke again. "So, I brought my author stuff with me so I can stay here and be here for you."

T r a c y

I felt annoyed once she explained she will be staying here and I rolled my eyes which I know she saw because I can see hurt flash across her face. "Um so Shelley told me you shouldn't push yourself to do all your school work, just do what you can manage then take it from there." She whispered after another short silence. I decided to push my bowl away from me and stood up with short glance over to her then looked away.

She looked tired and worried but I don't care, she is the reason my mother disappeared again. "Trac-"

I walked out fast and tried to run up the stairs but I think it was more of a quick walk than a run. I knew she wasn't going to follow me this time and I shut my door loudly wanting everyone to know how angry I am. My eyes gazed over to the school work and knew I probably did enough so I walked over to my bed, and fell into it softly with a big sigh. 

I want my mama..

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everything isn't just perfect / Tracy BeakerWhere stories live. Discover now