1 / grew out of those silly dreams

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T r a c y

It was just an ordinary day besides the fact I ordered two bouncy castles for my birthday that was in three days and of course, Shelley was pretty livid about it. "It wasn't your birthday for three days."

"Yeah, well you get a special deal if you take them all week." I replied back to Shelley as I walked to the kitchen as she followed suit.

"Tracy!" Shelley spoke with disbelief and annoyance as I opened the fridge door. "Now what are you doing?!"

"Uh! Making room for my giant birthday cake." I responded like it was nothing. 

Shelley crossed her arms as Crash walked in with a smile. "It will be a chocolate sponge." 

I crossed my arms after I slammed the fridge shut. "A chocolate sponge? That's why I am organizing my birthday party myself."

I walked out of the kitchen and still Shelley followed. "Well, you can unorganized it." She responded with anger in her tone.

"So all I am going to have is for my 13th is some fireworks and a bunch of caterers?" I responded with fake disappointment.

"F-f-fireworks?" Shelley responded nervously. "What Caterers?" I tried not to smile but it was a little hard.

"There's a guy from a fancy dress shop out there." Duke came in from the front door with a gorilla mask. Oh. I forgot about that one. Crash let out a giggle and I smiled at him as both Duke and Shelley freaked out.


"Care kids are never allowed to have fun!" I explained to Cam after I told her what I had done and Cam laughed a little as I vacuumed her living room.

"What are you angling for?" Cam asked over the vacuum cleaner noise as she pointed down at it and I turned it off.

"Honestly, people nag you to be helpful and when they do, they are ungrateful." I responded back and she looked at me with a smile.

"Sorry!" Cam responded back and I nodded. "Thank you for the tea and thank you for everything."

I looked over my shoulder. "Well I spend all my time here so I should be more helpful."

"Well that's very mature of you." Cam said with a soft voice and I nodded to that.

"And good practice for when I get my own flat." I let the vacuum cleaner fall down and I sat next to Cam on the lounge. 

"Have you got any idea on how much it cost to rent a flat?" Cam questioned softly but sternly. "This place practically bankrupts me."

I stopped fluffing up the pillow next to me and looked up at Cam. "You, um find it hard to manage the rent on your own?" Wow, way to be discreet.

"Uh, sometimes." Cam responded as she took a sip of her lovely tea I made for her. 

"What you need is someone mature to share the flat with." I blinked my eyes all cute at her and she looked at me with a laugh.

"Ah, I get it!" Cam answered back to me with a nod. "And how will this mature person come up with her share of the rent?"

"Foster me!" I blurted out out with an excited tone as Cam giggled. "You will get buckets of money from social services! I will be completely independent, you won't have to look after me or anything." 

"Oh yeah. Mm. Don't you think you need just a tiny bit of looking after?" Cam responded back with a soft tone.

I sat back offended. "I am not a little kid any more in case you haven't noticed.."

everything isn't just perfect / Tracy BeakerWhere stories live. Discover now