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Dedicated to pandaandtree

"the sun is hotter than normal today ei!", Emefa said as she used her hand to clean the excess sweat that was running down her face. I gave a faint smile and was still thinking about what was going to happen to me in about a weeks' time. Everyone and everything that meant a lot to me was going to be taken away from me forever and I was going to be enslaved to a chief priest with old rotten teeth with wrinkled skin, the thought of it disgusted me so much. We barely left the stream when that half-caste boy I met the other day met me once again with Emefa this time. I tried to pretend as if I hadn't seen him when we walked past him but all thanks to my talkative and extroverted cousin in the person of Emefa Agbanyo, I had to stand there waiting for her to speak to this boy which surprised me because God knows when and where this duo met! I was so tired my neck and arms decided to give up on me by letting the bucket of water fall from my head onto the floor but this time the bucket didn't get burst surprisingly. Emefa and the half-caste boy turned after they heard the bucket fall and the water splatter on them.

"Oh my days! are you okay?", the half-caste boy held me and asked

"Yes, I'm fine!", I said sharply and removed my hands from his hand and told Emefa I was leaving but I saw Emefa telling him something and waving him frantically as she shouted for me to wait for her. I rolled my eyes but still waited for her.

"What's wrong with you Ama? why were you being so rude to Matt?"

"ooooooh, so he's called Matt? where did you even know him from?"

"you still haven't answered my question Ama, you don't even know him but..."

"Please it's enough Emefa! what's the point if I get to even know him, besides I will not be seeing any of you again in a weeks' time so tell me the point of making new friends! tell me!"

"Is that why you decided to be rude to him? what if he can be of help?"

"Enough of this 'new friends' talk...and no one, I repeat, no one can let me out of this situation even the gods of this land...it's good you've made a new friend and you guys are getting along pretty well, that's good for you!", I said sarcastically and left Emefa with my empty bucket and half of my body drenched with water.

I got home before Emefa and explained why I couldn't bring water home as simply as I could to Sisi. I washed down, changed my clothes and went to my aunt Stacy, my social studies teacher to explain what was going on and how I wasn't going to see any of them again which broke me down into hysterical tears and got her into tears too. She tried to encourage me and gave me assurance that everything was going to be fine since that was all she could to help. She offered me some food and we read so many African books about girls who hard to work hard to be where they are today. She also told me about God and asked me to start getting closer to him since he is all I had at that moment. She handed me a Bible when I was about leaving and advised me to read it whenever I was down and had nothing doing. I thanked and left to my home only to see that servant of the chief priest in a black apparel holding a black fowl standing in front of my house and I wondered what next???!....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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