The Duel

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The activity hall was busy, filled with students doing whatever they wished to do in their hours of freedom from classes. Some were writing, some were talking with their companions, and some were even indulging their minds into their studies.

But none of those were the case with Donowitz, an average sized teen with dark hair, fair skin that was very sensitive and his most significant feature, his alluring blue eyes that looked as if a luminous river was glowing under a winter night. He was just messing around with his rapier, whacking the air like a madman but with precision and care ensuring that no one would get hurt. 

As he continued with his own activity, he barely noticed the petite, red-haired girl brisk-walking towards him.

"DONOWITZ" the girl yelled out

The hall became silent as everyone looked at Donowitz and the now present girl who was standing in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at Donowitz.

"What do you want, Wallis?" Donowitz asked, confused, with a slight chuckle following.

"You, me, courtyard, now!" Wallis commanded, her voice dripping with contempt.

"You want to date me in the courtyard?" Donowitz asked with sarcasm present in his voice.

"W-What? No! I challenge you to a duel, stupid!" 

Donowitz was confused, but more intrigued and interested

"I want to make a bet with you"

"Oh really now? Why?" Donowitz asked with curiosity filling his voice

"Will you just stop asking questions and go to the courtyard now?"

Donowitz immediately walked to the courtyard following Wallis while the rest of the students followed suit, interested in the drama.

As they arrived to the courtyard, Donowitz and Wallis stood far away, opposite of each other, both preparing their gear and equipment.

After both parties were finished with preparing, Donowitz asked Wallis, "So, what's the stakes?"

Wallis narrowed her eyes. "If I win, you have to do whatever I say for a week," she said, her voice dripping with determination.

Donowitz raised an eyebrow. "And if I win?" he asked, a challenge in his voice.

Wallis smiled wickedly. "If you win, you get to be my boyfriend," she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Donowitz's grin faded and he straightened up, his expression serious. "You're on, Acolaid," he said, his voice resolute.

The two opponents faced each other, their rapiers at the ready. The courtyard was filled with students, all eager to see the outcome of the duel.

Donowitz and Wallis circled each other, sizing each other up and looking for an opening. Wallis struck first, lunging forward with a fierce attack. But Donowitz was quick to react, parrying her blow and counterattacking with a series of quick jabs.

Wallis managed to fend off Donowitz's assault, but she was clearly outmatched. Donowitz's fencing skills were far superior to hers, and it was only a matter of time before he scored a hit.

But despite his clear advantage, Donowitz was not interested in winning the duel. He could see the determination in Wallis's eyes, and he knew that she was serious about making him her boyfriend if he won. He had no interest in being tied down to anyone, especially not someone as bossy and controlling as Wallis.

So instead of going all out and finishing the duel, Donowitz intentionally held back and made mistakes, allowing Wallis to score a few hits. He knew that if he made it too obvious that he was throwing the match, Wallis would become suspicious.

As the duel dragged on, Wallis became more and more frustrated. She could tell that Donowitz was not giving it his all, and it was driving her crazy. She wanted to win and have control over him, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not seem to get the upper hand.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the duel came to an end. Wallis stood panting and sweating, her rapier still held at the ready. Donowitz, on the other hand, looked cool and collected, a sly smile on his face.

"Well, it looks like you've won," Donowitz said, bowing his head slightly. "I'll be your obedient servant for the next week, as promised."

Wallis's eyes narrowed. "Why did you hold back?" she demanded. "I know you could have beaten me easily if you tried."

Donowitz shrugged. "I just didn't feel like it," he said, turning and walking away from a frustrated Wallis. "I'll see you around, Acolaid. Have a good week."

As he left the courtyard, Donowitz couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had no interest in being tied down to anyone, and he was glad that he had managed to avoid being forced into a relationship with Wallis. He would rather be free and independent, living life on his own terms.

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