Day 2: Unexpected Encounter

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Donowitz abruptly woke up, sweating and heavily breathing as if he ran a whole marathon without breaks, he quickly looked around his surroundings, forgetting the events last night and realized that he was in a bed, with his whole body except his head covered by a thick blanket.

Donowitz tried getting out of the bed but he soon felt a strong grip around his stomach, he immediately uncovered the blanket, revealing Wallis wrapping her arms around him. She appeared to be in a deep sleep but Donowitz doubted it after hearing her groaning and seeing her tightening her grip around his stomach.

Donowitz attempted pulling away her arms but they didn't budge, that was when his doubts were truly confirmed: Wallis was fully awake and knew what she was doing.

"Wallis, I need to go." Donowitz whispered, trying to make Wallis let go of him.

Wallis just groaned and nuzzled into Donowitz's chest.

"I know you're awake, cut the act." Donowitz said, now in a normal and serious tone.

"Nnnngghhh~" Wallis groaned as she tightened her grip around him.

Donowitz sighed, seemingly accepting his fate but he suddenly remembered that it was a school day, he swiftly turned his head around different directions to look for a clock or watch, anything to tell him the time. 

When he finally spotted a little alarm clock on the bedside table, the time showed that it was Eight o'clock in the morning.

"Shit." Donowitz exclaimed.

He roughly pulled Wallis's arms away from him and jumped out of bed, panicking as he ran towards the bedroom door. He held and twisted the doorknob, expecting it to open, instead, the door stayed in place.

"What the? How?! Wallis, let me leave!" Donowitz raised his voice.

Wallis sat up, her hair messy and her eyes half-closed, "What?"

"Let me leave! Your door is locked, I need to go to class!"

Wallis got out of bed, walked to Donowitz and wrapped her arms around his neck.


A long silence followed as Wallis did not continue her statement.

"W-What? I really have to go."

"You look so cute when you sleep." Wallis said with a bright smile.

"I-Is this a joke to you? I have to go!"


"Don't call me that."

"Relax, my love, it's still 8."

"Yeah? and school starts at 9!" 

"So? That's an hour away from now, we have all the time in the world, also, why do you need to be so early? There's no early bird reward." Wallis asked.

Donowitz stood in silence for a short while.

"I- uhhhh." Donowitz stammered, struggling to answer her.

Wallis raised an eyebrow, then squinted at Donowitz.

"Are you hiding something from me, Donowitz?" 

"N-No, I'm just so dedicated to my routine, that's all!" Donowitz answered in a quick manner.

"You ARE hiding something from me after all." Wallis stated as though her suspicions were confirmed.

"J-Just let me leave, we have classes today..." Donowitz said, his voice barely above a whisper.

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