Day 4: Shadows Come After the Light

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Wallis suddenly jolted awake, her groggy eyes rapidly rotating, looking around her dorm that was illuminated solely by the natural light coming from her window. It was fairly early in the morning. She jumped out of her bed, ignoring her blanket plummeting to the floor, she then opened her wardrobe in a rush, frantically picking and throwing her clothes, having difficulty in deciding what to wear. Eventually, she settled on a simple yellow hoodie and blue jeans.

She then proceeded to grab her bag and walk to the door right after tying her shoes but before she grabbed the doorknob she abruptly stopped in her tracks, staring at something. There, resting on her nightstand were a pair of black gloves, a head-fitting black cloth seemingly made from a cut t-shirt which had a red sad face drawn on it, and a camcorder.

Wallis looked at the objects, took a deep breath, and exhaled. "Not right now...." She then pulled and twisted the doorknob, opening the door to the hallway outside. She then walked out of her dorm and locked the door, ensuring the room's security. She turned her head to see Donowitz opening a door leading to the stairwell.

"Donny!" Wallis called out to him.

Donowitz then ran down the stairs, moving at a very quick pace despite wearing a backpack and a satchel, not to mention Wallis chasing him down. Once Wallis reached the ground floor, Donowitz was nowhere to be seen, she looked around the lobby and went outside, but she still couldn't find him. She took a deep breath again and exhaled in disappointment.

"I can't wait to punish him for running away~" She quietly declared before walking to the campus, despite it being very early in the day for her schedule. As she was getting closer to the front entrance, she heard some rustling by the far right side of the building. She went and leaned her head to check and saw a person's leg for a split second before it went behind the wall. She then slightly crouched and crept through the sidewalk on the side of the campus but immediately stopped as she heard some heavy rustling and someone being pushed against the wall.

"Shhhhh! Do you want us to be heard?!" Wallis heard a rough voice whisper-yelling, it sounded like it belonged to a woman, slightly older than herself.

Wallis figured it was just two students who wanted to have a quickie or a make-out session before classes so she crept back to the front of the campus until she heard an all too familiar voice respond.

"N-No...." It was Donowitz.

His response made Wallis stop creeping back, and instead, made her lean against the wall and eavesdrop into the conversation.

"Great. Now, you owe me more than the usual now, ok? I let you pass during Wednesdays but you were absent this Tuesday as well, so don't be surprised when I'm rougher than before, okay?" The woman spoke with a strong threatening aura in her voice. Her words made Wallis wonder if Donowitz got into the wrong foot with certain bad people, why did he owe her something?

"Okay....." Donowitz nervously responded, he sounded as though he wasn't ready for whatever was coming next, this filled Wallis with much anxiety, feeling scared as to what the woman might do to him, she just hoped he would not get hurt too much, this girl sounded like someone nobody should ever mess with.

"I'm going to unbutton your shirt a bit ok? Don't move a muscle." The woman commanded.

"B-But w-why...?" Donowitz stuttered out, clearly not expecting the woman to say that, and even more nervous about what she'll do next.

"Just shut up and stay still." The woman told him, she was clearly irritated.

Wallis then heard some more rustling and shuffling and eventually, some wet sounds, indicating that the two were in a heated make-out session. She felt disgusted and wanted to interfere and scold Donowitz for being so intimate with another woman despite their deal, but she only stayed still, thinking that this woman would be too much of a challenge to just merely scold or even fight.

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