Day 3: I Have Confidence!

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Donowitz woke up with a big smile on his face, whether it may have been him sleeping peacefully in his dorm without Wallis beside him or the fact that he felt a tiny splash of drool on his bed, something about today just felt so special to him.

It wasn't his birthday, a holiday, nor an announcement that his celebrity crush was going to visit his town, (although that would have been very exciting) no, something about today just made him smile without anyone or anything telling him to do so.

As he sat up on his bed, he looked to the nightstand where his phone laid, charging. He then turned it on, seeing that it was fully charged, he then unplugged the charger from his phone, feeling assured that his phone would not run out of battery throughout the day.

He quickly unlocked the phone with his password, checked the calendar app, and looked at the current date. When he did, his already wide smile grew even wider even though he knew why he was smiling today.

Wednesday, October 12, 20XX 

Yes, that is the reason why he is smiling today, no, it wasn't because it was October 12, that date would have been special to him if he was a farmer, (National Farmer's Day yo!)  today was special because it was....

"Wednesday," Donowitz softly said.

Yes, for some reason unknown to everyone (even Wallis) but Donowitz, Wednesday was the day that would put him in a state of total euphoria throughout its hours, it wasn't even near the weekend, it was just in the middle of the week, but as far as everyone knew, he would just smile and feel good all day every Wednesday, and he has yet to give an explanation why. Coincidentally, almost every one of Donowitz's endeavors during that day would go well, almost as if he was given good luck every time that day arrived.

They say, "Wednesday's child is full of woe"  but to Donowitz, it was a day that made him feel wholesome.

Donowitz then looked at his phone's clock, it was 7:30 am, "Great, still got time," he quickly got up and started his routine, he ate a green apple for breakfast, brushed his teeth, took a bath, and changed into some comfortable clothing, ready to start the day. He checked his phone, it was 7:48 am, he then took his backpack and an old satchel bag and went out of his dorm, making sure to lock his door before walking through the hall.

He then wore some headphones and pressed the "Play" button on a song that seemed to be halfway to ending, as it started, he walked through the halls, only looking forward, not noticing a half-dressed Wallis behind him emerging from her dorm room.

"Donny!" She called out. But Donowitz kept on walking, not hearing her. Wallis was about to run after him but when she realized that she wasn't properly dressed, she went back to her dorm, closing the door as she went inside.

Donowitz opened a door leading to the stairwell and started briskly walking down the stairs, listening to the lyrics of the song playing in his headphones.

With each step I am more certain

Donowitz went through the second floor and kept walking down

Everything will turn out fine

Donowitz finally got to the first floor (for any British folks, it's the ground floor).

I have confidence
The world can all be mine

He walked out of the stairwell door and began walking to the front entrance of the dormitory.

They'll have to agree
I have confidence in me

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