Chapter 2: On the run

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Civil War - 2016

Natasha was somehow still sleeping with the light from the widows. Rays of brightness pierced Nat's eyes. She had just come back from a mission with Steve, Sam, and James

They were resting at Nat's small apartment in Berlin, and she and the team had to hide Steve's best friend. James Buchanan Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier. He was searched by everyone, especially by the government, who believed that he had murdered the King of Wakanda. But all of that was false

James was also searching for the Winter Soldier, a Super Soldier from Hydra, the best of all.

Steve was helping an old friend by trying to recover his memories due to the multiple brainwashing that he went through.

Natasha had known him for a very long time. They met when she was in the Red Room. James was supposed to train the girls into Black Widows.

James was, at that time, Natasha's trainer, but a little romantic relationship started between the two. On some nights, they would sneak out to see each other when they could.

Their little secret ended when they were caught by Madame B making out. After that, they never saw each other again. James underwent brainwashing. After that, Natasha watched him undergo brainwashing.

Back in reality

Natasha didn't talk too much to James; she thought that he was already in so much trouble that telling him that, well, maybe too much to take in. She also doesn't want to trigger some bad memories.

Nat woke up by stretching her body, which cracked from all parts. She was wearing a black tank top and a legging, and she put on a baggy red sweater.

Steve and Sam were preparing breakfast. James was still sleeping on the sofa with a blanket too small to cover him entirely. Nat went to him and gently tried to hide his feet.

"Hey Nat, " Steve said to her while preparing fried eggs. Natasha replied with a simple " Hi."

When she could finally cover his feet, Sam and Steve looked at her, confused.

"What? It's freezing out here. " Nat answered with an emotionless voice.

James started to wake up and rubbed his eyes. When he was mindful, he looked directly at Natasha, standing at the end of the couch.

"Good morning. " Nat let out politely with a slight smile.

"So, how are you doing, Buck? " Steve questioned James

"Not bad, just starving," Bucky answered back

They all took part and ate in different areas because of the absence of space. Nat was sitting on a high chair. The two super soldiers were eating on the divan, and Sam was on the only chair on the dining table

" Why do you just have one chair?" Sam asked between two bites.

"I live alone. Why have multiple seats?" Nat answered the Falcon

After she finished her plate, she went for a quick shower. It has been three days since she was on the run without showering.
Natasha turned on the water, and a burning hot shower came through. Nat put herself in the sober and wiped off the water slipping on her eyes. The burning shower always helped her for relieving tension in her muscles. The fog was blurring the bathroom. The superheated room made her feel dizzy, losing control of her body. Red traces appeared on her skin. At that moment, it felt so good, like an escape, evading reality. All her thoughts were gone, just the feeling of burned skin.

A loud sound came from the bathroom.

"Nat! You okay ?!" Steve questioned, popping up off the couch.

No, respond. Steve re-asked the question multiple times, but nobody answered. He ran out to the door. The door is closed. Sam and James were behind Steve, yelling at Nat for a response. Steve cracked the door quickly. Bucky put his hand on his eyes and turned back as Sam closed his eyes too. Natasha was lying on the floor, unconscious as the waterfall. Steve took a towel to wrap her in because her being naked.

"Nat, wake up, please! Come on! " Steve was supporting her head, trying to wake her up. He took her to the bedroom to put on some clothing. When she was clothed, Steve brought her onto the couch.

They waited one hour before she woke up. She had burns, especially on her neck and torso. Natasha looked around her, and her breath was laborious.

"Yeah, sometimes it happens," she sighed

What, so it's not the first time you are out after a shower? " Steve asked her, worried

"We didn't look," Sam said with a glanced

"I hope so," She responds, closing her eyes and putting her hands gently on her face.

Note: Hi! I'm sick, so that I might update a lot in these few days ;) I hope you like it!!

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