Chapter 9: 40's Music

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The sun rose low, and Natasha was getting out of the water, grounding pain in her ribs.

"James?" She yelled, searching for a bulky red assassin. She got out of the water, and her clothes were wet and frozen by the cold wind.

She walked all along the dike, hoping to find James. After a few minutes, she found a guy lying on the dam. Natasha ran to him and turned him on his back to see his face. It was James, unconscious. Natasha put a hand on his neck. He was breathing.

"Hey, I'm here, Bucky. It's Nat!" She smiled slightly and put her cold hands on his cheeks.

James woke up quickly and coughed water. At the same time, he was groaning up to sit down.

"The 40's music is better," James chucked.

"You're my favorite idiot, James," Natasha said while putting a quick kiss on his forehead.

"I know Nat," James replied as he got up

"Are you alright, Natasha?!" Bucky asked, checking her to see if she was bleeding.

"My ribs hurt, but we have something more important to do before James." Natasha grounded

"Like what ?" He asked to confuse

She took off her jacket and showed him a red vial with a photo of two young girls, one with blonde curly hair and the other with blue hair.

"Who are they ?" He asked, starting to walk, supporting Natasha with his metal arm.

"It was me and my sister," Nat replied, groaning.

"Сестра (Sister), wow! Ее имя (Her name)? He asked interested.

"Yelena," She groaned out of pain. "My ribs" She lay on the grass.

"Are you bleeding?"James questioned, concerned.

"No, it's inside. I think I broke something.." She grunted

"I'm going to support you, Nat," He declared while gently putting his hand on her face.
"You are going to be okay, Natasha."Leaning his face on hers.

                             .  .  .   .   .

After one and a half hours of walking, they arrived at the van. The sun had woken up. James was supporting her by the waist. He put Natasha on the couch.

"Can I see your ribs?" He asked softly

Natasha removed her jacket and lifted her black tank top with a groan.

"That's a big bruise on your ribs," James claimed. He cleaned his hand and applied some cream to soothe her bruise. James washed her face and disaffected her cuts.

He gave her some new clothes and went clean himself too.

James put his Winter Soldier suit in a bag with Natasha's suit and some protein bars.

"Get some sleep, babe," Bucky said while pressing his lips on her forehead. He locked the door and took a gun from his pocket while Nat was laying on his lap. James played with her dirty red hair.

"Everything will be alright, Nat; I've got you. Shh," Bucky whispered to Natasha softly.

James didn't sleep. He watched the surroundings all morning.

In the afternoon, Natasha woke up from her nap by stretching her arms.

"How are you, sleepyhead?"James asked gently to Nat, brushing her red hair with his fingers.

"Better," Natasha said before getting up slowly to take some cereal.

"I thought if we had an apartment in Brooklyn just for us without having to deal with shit all day..." James explained to her.

"I would love to. I love you, James," Natasha told him between two bites of cereal.

"I love you more, Nat," James said while wrapping his arms around her waist by the back, pressing soft kisses on her neck.

                          .  .  .  .   .   .

They took their backpack and drove to the train station in a rental car. Natasha was going, and Bucky was trying to get some rest.

"Do you have 40's music ?" James asked Nat in a sleepy voice.

"Hum, I don't know, maybe?" Natasha replied softly, trying to find some old songs.

"That seems like it," Nat said while driving.

"What song is it?" James asked, looking at Natasha.

"It has been a long, long time." She replied, putting on the song.

"It's a good one, thanks, Nat." Bucky thanks Natasha while glancing at her.

"See, I was right to go with you for the fuel." He winked with a smirk.

"I would still have gone out without you, James."She admitted with a little chuckle.

"Never thought that you would be
standing here so close to me "

"Kinda true," He replied, wiping his hair into a messy half-bun.

"There's so much I feel that I should say"

"One hundred percent true," Nat smirked while driving.

"but the word can wait until some other day"

"Yeah," James sighed, holding Natasha's free hand.

kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me one again"

Natasha felt her rosy cheeks going red but tried to focus on the road.

"It's been a long, long time"

"You made me feel human, Natasha." James declared with a soft voice.

"haven't felt like this, my dear"

"You made me live," Nat returned with a warm voice.
~ ..............~

When they arrived at the train station, they had their caps and sunglasses on.

"Where are we going, Nat?" He asked while staring at everyone. He had his red shirt and some gloves to cover his hands.

"Budapest, my sister is there." She whispered in a calm voice.

On the train, Natasha was beside the window with her head resting on his shoulder. They were sharing headphones while listening to some music.

James was keeping an eye open during the trip and took Nat's hand into his metallic hand. In the middle of the journey, Bucky was pissed off by the playlist.

"Babe, can you change the music? If not, I might put a bullet in my head..." James whispered in her ear. He was caressing her hair softly.

"Old man," Nat rubbed her eyes and directed her vision to her phone, putting on a 40's playlist, and went back to sleep in his arms.

"Yeah, the old man cannot stand the modern music." He chuckled at her pressing his lips on her head.

On the train, people were staring at them weirdly, like they already saw them. James just tried not to do his staring thing to anyone.

"Natasha, we are in Budapest," Bucky told her when he remarked that the train had stopped.

Note: Hi, so that's a wrap! That was the final chapter, I loved to write! Love y'a 

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